

In the Headquarters comm link room the trooper on duty jumped with a start as the comm link crackled to life, "Anvil, this is Ironman, come in, over." The trooper at the console fingers flew over it punching buttons and flipping switches trying to insure that the link was secure before answering. When he received the green status light indicating that all was secure he responded "Ironman, this is Avil 6, over" a hissing was all the response he got so he tried again "Ironman, this is Anvil 6, over" this time the reply came back and he breathed a little easier. "Anvil, this is Ironman 1, is your 1 available and at your coordinates? over" The Trooper responded "Negative, Ironman 1, but will have Anvil 1 here in appoximately 15, over" The response "Roger, will recall approximately 15, out."

Colonel Rolf Bekker paced quickly back and forth inside his command bunker "Damn," he said under his breath, although every one present heard him, "the commander is never there when you need him, he's probably got some of those camp followers with him, again" That last comment brought a few snickers from the command squad troopers, they knew how Bekker believed that when it was time to fight you fought and when it was time to play you played, but you never mixed the two together. Bekker turned and glared at his squad who quickly looked busy doing anything they could. Bekker hated it when his older brother Hans worried more about wine, women and song then the conflict that lay ahead, but so far Hans had always led them to victory. The thought of his older brother made him think of Jurgen his younger bother who was attached to the XXIV Preatorian Guard on some obscure planet fighting against he believed Hans saying the Orks. Damn he hated those greenskins as much as these evil deminions he was fighting against here. He hoped that Jurgen was giving them hell!

Rolf was studying the map of the frontlines when the comm link crackled to life. "Ironman, this is Anvil come in over, I say again, Ironman this is Anvil, come in over." Bekker grabbed the comm link mic from his commo trooper, and responded "Anvil this is Ironman 1, I hope your 1 is available and your not just wasting my time, over" the response came back "Rolf, my brother, why are you so impatient?" "Well, since we don't seem to be using correct tactical responses I'll tell you Hans, You need to get away from all the partying and back to running the war. I haven't received any support or supplies in at least a week,what's wrong with you people?" There was silence for a while then Hans' voice came back "My dear Rolf, if you weren't so damned impatient you would know within the hour what is going on, there should be a runner arriving anytime now to brief you on the current situation and deployment of new arrivals." Again there was silence "and Rolf watch the holo-vid the runner has in private please, out!" As the transmission ended Rolf thought he heard females giggling in the background. "Damn" he muttered again under his breath "I sure hope Jurgen has more of a military bearing the his oldest brother does, but he always tries to immitate his older brothers that's why he joined the Guard instead of going into politics, Damn" Bekker returned to the maps and waited.


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