Eve 'N' Stephen's

Historic Northern Pacific Railroad Photos

A Donkey in the Desert


I had a serious computer meltdown on Thanksgiving day

Welcome to our web site featuring many historic photos of the NPRR, along with pictures and stories of our adventures with our Donkey, Zsa-Zsa Ga-Burro.

The photos on the Railroad sites are fairly large files, so I've displayed them as thumbnails, with their file sizes indicated. Just click on the pictures to see the full size version. You are welcome to use the photos for your own personal projects, such as screen savers, prints for modeling projects, etc. They are not however, to be used for commercial purposes without my written permission.


Here I Am Growing Up Around the NP in 1953, with engine 684. I got an early start loving trains, with my Dad being an NP Brakeman back then. These are general shots around Tacoma, many featuring the A's and the Timken

The Winlock Depot was typical of small town NP structures in Western Washington.

TacomaRoundhouse Detail Pictures

This page is devoted to the various classes of NP 4-6-0's

2-8-2's were the backbone of NP's freight operations

Moclips, the end of the line!

Capitol Boom Co., Olympia Washington

Sumpter House

You can email me at, eve_n_stephen@yahoo.com