Your the
"No, How you doin'"
Last Update: Wednesday, June 21st of 2000!!!
I'm playing my favorite Space Quest right now. Space Quest V: The Next Mutation was my favorite in the series. If not, it's SQIV. But anyway, I'm looking through it and getting some ideas for a walkthrough, some more pictures, and such. I think I might still work on this.
Of course, I'm not only a PC gamer. I do enjoy playing my old SNES and Bleem! (I don't have a Playstation-I'm waiting for the PS2s). I have been working on a webpage for one of the games on the Super Nintendo that I love. I just haven't been doing much on it lately. I'll get to it eventually.
I am thinking about doing some other web pages, so if anyone is interested in doing something with me (very unlikely but, hey, you never know) just mail me.
The QUOTE OF THE MONTH has been changed to the QUOTE OF THE SERIES because I'm too lazy to bother changing it, plus the series is dead... and so is Roger. I might change it every now and then.
I have added some things here and there. An easter egg (ONE easter egg) and I'm sure there was something else. Oh well.
So take a look around, see what's new, see what you like, and please come back and visit soon.
See it. Look it. Take it.
If it's SQ links that you want, It's SQ links that you're gonna get!
Here are some of your favorite Space Quest ships.
See the Many Faces of Roger Wilco!!!
Oh my gosh! It's some other characters bios!
Hints, Walkthroughs, Easter Eggs!
You wanna see how the page has progressed since August '99? Right here, baby!
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