Hidden. Silent. secretive, We are the 'so called' Demons of this Jungle. Deep in this territory where we live, it is forsaken for any human to pass, for they will be slaughtered and killed by the 'Demons' that inhabit the land. Mysterious are we? Misunderstood? Possessors of Evil? Rulers of the dark and night, mischiefs of the souls, we are evil, we are rumored. No. We are Elves!
I am Rachel,New Owner of Jungle Green Holt, if you would like to join, or have any interest at all, or questions/comments, please notify me, and let me know. Anyone can email me at RachelElfQuest@aol.com . I hope you really enjoy my page, decide to use it, and explore! I also hope you join too! Of course =O)
What Iwill,someday,try to do,is publish an actual News Letter once every 3-4 months. I will attempt to have an issue published at least once every 4 months. Which is 3 a year. I might have specials or
* Links
* Holt Map
* Chieftess Moon-Light-the Chieftess of the Holt. Tall, thin, with dark hair and violent eyes. She is also a minor Glider who loves socializing at night.
*SoulBlood-Sister of the Chieftess, Herbalist, Second-in-Command, Rockshaper, Jewelry maker, she's recently gained a lovemate...Red hair, green eyes.
* Slash -wild and reckless lovemate of Firebird. He has white hair dyed almost completely with orange/red and black dye. His eyes are hazel in color. Very flirtatious, he is a Healer, hunter, dancer, and Animal Bonder. He's about to find more trouble than even HE can get out of, though...
*Strong-Thought-Recently he became Tri-Bonded when his lovemate, the small Cool-Breeze, Recognized the gentle and wise -for- her- years elfess StarSilk. They all love each other deeply now, and he would die to defend either one, and loves little Spark like she is his own, although he has no reason to love StarSilk and Cool-breeze's cub of Recognition...He is every bit as much a father to her as her own father is. He has bright blonde hair and sea-green eyes. He is a powerful sender and a good Hunter/Tracker...
*Cool-Breeze -Once simply the small, quiet lovemate of Strong-Thought, he
recently Recognized the lovely and shy elfess StarSilk, and the three formed a
Tri-Bond. He is a terribly protective father of his two-turn old girl-cub, Spark, and would die defending
either mate. His hair is a very light blue, layered and a bit past
shoulder-length. His eyes are sparkling blue. He is a windshaper, and is
developing other powers....
*StarSilk-The gentle, peaceful, calm, and way-too-wise-for-her-youth elfess who Recognized Cool-Breeze, and caused the Tri-Mating of him, StrongThought, and her. Loving and kind, she is VERY quiet and peaceful at most times. She loves her lifemates with all of her soul, and is willing to die to protect them. She is the mother of a small girl-cub named Spark, born of Recognition to Cool-breeze. StarSilk has crimson, wavy, long hair and midnight blue eyes, sprinkled with silver specks. She is a STRONG sender, and a rock/metal shaper as well.
*BlueWater-Teen elfess with light lavender hair and large, purple eyes. She is a Windshaper, likes dancing, and has no love or lifemates yet.
*Dusti-Small cubling full of shyness and suspections. She has light brown hair and dark blue eyes. She's afraid of males, and most adults aren't trusted. She follows them around, however, to learn more.
*Firecat-Just-an-adult, she is the occasional lovemate of her soulsister SwordPetal. Her hair is a curly gold-bronze, and her eyes are tawny with green flecks. She is slim, with strong long-range sending and weather sense. She loves storms.
*Foxeye-Soulsister of the Chieftess and hopeful-to-be-lovemate of Wind-Runner. She has red-gold hair and green eyes with yellow rims. She is an Animal Bonder, an Animal Speaker, and a slight Glider. She badly wants Wind-Runner to be hers.
*Rivergift-An elfess with golden blonde, straight hair and crystal blue eyes. Her mother is dead, but her father lives. She is closest to animals, and a bit skittish around other elves. She prefers to sleep outside in the open, not liking to feel caged.
*Leonden- Ageless elfin man found in bird-form in the jungle. He was knocked out by a stone, and as he fell, changed into his elfin form. He has silver hair and green eyes. The Chieftess likes him, and wants him as a lovemate, but he'll have none of it. Reserved and reclusive, he seems to be searching for someone dear to him....
* Girian- Handsome, charming, and seemingly ageless, this secretive, somewhat arrogant elfin man is Soulblood's extremely protective lovemate.Hates Zavahn with the fire of a thousand suns,for some odd reason. Has long black and grey-ice hair and smoky grey eyes.
* Leriala-Beautiful, delicate newcomer to JG. LOVES observing other elves, may be a story-teller in the future. Silver-blonde hair and deep, color-changing eyes. Recently Recognized and mated the quiet and deep Bloodmoon, but remains a naive and innocent elf. Sister of SpiritTrail and Clawcut.
* Clawcut- Shy, extremely elder brother of Leriala, Clawcut is very much a loner, with an extremely tragic past. When he came here, however, he fell in love with and lovemated the similar-in-nature Haven, and is seemingly happy. Has pale, slightly wavy brown hair and huge chocolate-brown eyes.
* Spirit- Extremely flirtatious and teasing, this brother of Clawcut and Leriala seems their opposite in oh-so-many ways. He has long silver and icy-blue hair, and deep blue-purple orbs for eyes. Has a past that's about to catch up with him, pushing him into a stunningly "crazy" future!
* Dou Mellet- Tall,silent Glider lovemate of Salamander, he has had a tragic and unspoken of past.A shadowlike healer, he has a light brown braid that is three-feet long, and cobalt-blue eyes.
*Cloudfeather-Light,delicate,and airy,this lovely and innocent Glider ran from a forced lovemating with the cruel and crazy Deran.She is now the mate of ColdStare, and quite happy. Her hair is short,wispy/curly, and blonde, adorned with feathers of all varieties.Her eyes are huge and a deep cerulean blue.
* Shadowcat-The silent and close-mouthed elfin lifemate of Chieftess Moon-Light,and the proud new father of their cubs. Ruggedly handsome, with black hair and huge, luminous golden eyes. Had a tragic past, but is learning to love his new existence with Moon-Light.
*Haven-The lovely, quiet, loner recently lovemated the tragically sad and once-betrayed Clawcut, making both of them happy. She is still much of a loner,but then,so is he, at times.However,she truly loves him and cares for him, and both of them are slowly coming out of their shells. She has dirty-blonde hair and large, emotional lavender eyes. Twin sister of the once-lost Refuge.
*Refuge- The twin brother of Haven, he was once thought dead, but Saver rescued him, and led him to here.He has dirty-blonde hair, and beautiful blue-lavender eyes. Silent and sweet, he doesn't realize that Saver fell in love with him quite a while ago.
*Saver-Gentle and loving, this lovely Healer rescued Refuge, and then fell in love with him.She kept her love hidden, and watched him Heal slowly, finally taking him to reunite with his sister.She has jet-black, long, lustrous hair and huge deep blue eyes that sparkle with wisdom and naivety.
*Salamander- The beautiful mate of Dou Mellet, she is slightly odd, with a small temper, and a big heart. Her hair is short, and a medium brown, and her eyes are huge, glowing green orbs that hold her emotions perfectly.
*Bloodmoon- Quiet, sarcastic Recognized of the naive Leriala, he fell in love with her as he believed he never would again. His tragic past was healed by his present joy, and although a cub has yet to come from this recent union, he is tremendously happy. He has dark red hair, and large silver eyes that speak volumes.
*Illuminate-A peaceful elfess with Healing powers, as well as levitaion, some storm-seer senses, and strong sending. She has silver-blonde hair and golden eyes, and currently has no love or lifemate.
* Moonshine- A 234-turn old elfess with dark, purple-tinted black hair, green eyes, and a slender build. She is the younger sister of Greenleaf, and her abilities include animal bonding and a powerful sending ability. She has no love or lifemates.
*Greenleaf- Playful and full of life, Greenleaf is the 530-turn old elder sister of Moonshine. She has green-streaked brown hair and evergreen-hued eyes. Her talents are singing, tree-shaping, and powerful sending. She has no life or lovemates.
Shadow Rock (Vampire Elves) Holt- (So far, they are basically NPC's, later they may become more...)
* Lenzen-Vampire elf who gets the tribes of MoonSilver and Jungle Green together...without meaning to! He is rather handsome, with stark white skin and long, jet-black hair. His eyes are a purpled red. He is very charismatic, and also is the first son of the Misssstresss who recently died. Now, his sister is leader, for she is older than him. Owned by Rachel
* The Misssstresss, Calista- Once gentle (for a vampire elf) elfess, with a loving lovemate and long, silver hair, when her lovemate was killed she went ballistic, chopped off her hair, and became fairly cruel. She hates her brother, for he always brings trouble to the Tribe....Her eyes are red as rubies. Owned by Rachel
* Sethin- Sethin is the friend of Calista whom truly loves her and hopes they will Recognize. He has deep, bluish gray hair and pale red eyes. He is also, unknown to Calista, friends with Lenzen, and Littia's occasional lovemate, as well as Vaynira's sometimes lovemate.Owned by Rachel
* Littia- Young vampire elfess with deep red eyes edged in purple and long, ankle-length red hair. She is the occassional lovemate of Sethin, but truly loves him, even though she sees his heart and spirit belong to Calista. She is very peaceful, and yet full of fire. Pale as all of her kind, she is a stunning dancer as well. Twin of Vaynira, daughter of Catyana and Dezlinyan. Owned by Rachel
* Vaynira- Cruel, somewhat heartless elfess and occasional lovemate of Sethin. She is rather commanding, so when Sethin needs a lovemate, it is usually Littia to whom he turns, not Vaynira. She has deep, brown hair with a copper streak and dark, crimson-red eyes...Twin of Littia, daughter of Catyana and Deslinyan.Owned by ADOPTABLE
* Dezlinyan- The Elder, he is a dark and silent elf, lifemate of Catyana. He recently Recognized, but he won't say with who, and whoever she is, she won't speak up, either. He has black hair down to his ankles, kept in a long ponytail. His eyes are so light they are almost pink. He is the father of Littia and Vaynira, the opposite- in -nature twins. He seems terribly protective of his brother's lovemate and her daughter, for some reason.Owned by Ross
* Catyana-An Elder, she is simple and rather good-hearted for a vamp/elf. Rather flirty when younger, she Recognized the dark Dezlinyan when she was much younger. He fell for her and they've been lifemates ever since. Recently, though, she has sensed him brooding more than usual, and feels certain he' Recognized someone else...She has blonde hair in a long braid, and ruby red eyes that glow when she's mad...Owned by Rachel
* Giya-Young elfess/vampiress with a complicated, over-wise attitude. Solemn and shy, she is seldom seen with a lovemate- or anyone else for that matter. She seems to recently have aquired a dark secret she hides from everyone, even her sometime lovemate Dohlyan, brother of Dezlinyan. She holds something inside that could destroy the very BEING of the vamp/elves...She has long, ruby red hair and deep purply-red eyes with firey sparks...She is VERY pale, of course...She is the mother of the tiny newborn Rielah...A little female child with pale pink eyes and a fluff of hair that is the color of a raven's wing.Owned by Rachel
* Dohlyan- An Elder and rather arrogant, his sometime-lovemate Giya holds every bit of his heart and soul, but his pride wouldn't ever let him say it to her. Recently, she seems to be avoiding him, and he can't understand why. He has waist-length black hair with a blood red streak down the back. He wears it loose, or in a long ponytail if it's hot outside. He is the slightly younger brother of Dezlinyan, and senses something is wrong with his brother as well as his lovemate, and suspects something that threatens to break his heart-and his mind...He KNOWS, deep inside, that her new child is not his, but rather his brother's. (It took them two different joinings and Recognitions to have a child.)Occassionally the lovemate of another,wandering elfess/vampiress named Kristala.Rumorably Recognized to her,unknown if this is truth or not.Owned by Rachel,Holtmistress
The Recently Deceased and Missing
(Both Vampire Elves and Jungle Green Elves)
*Firebird-The somewhat arrogant lovemate of Slash, he has auburn hair and slanted, bird-like blue eyes. As his name suggests, he is a fireshaper, but he also hunts and climbs fairly well...NOT adoptable.
Jungle Green-