All the Lioncat84 Fit to Print (And a Lot That Isn't)

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"Such a fine line between stupid and clever" - David St. Hubbins

Mad props go to Matthew Strife for making that picture.
Last updated on 12/15/04
Unfortunately, an update for me means changing the wording of a sentence that's been bothering me. (Either that, or changing the date at the top of the page for no reason other than to make it seem like I update.) If you see an actual update, remember where you were! Tell your grandchildren about it when you're old!

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sucker to blunder onto my site.

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The Current Rant Reminder that I am, in fact, alive: 11/3/04

You know, the only thing that feels better than having your favored candidate win is for the election to be over, FINALLY.

AMC (The basic cable channel, as opposed to the movie theater chain) is going to be playing Pulp Fiction tonight. That's fine, I guess, but I have one question: Why bother? I mean, I'm a fan of Quentin Tarantino and his works, but if you edit his movies for television, the movie will be five minutes long. Even in Reservoir Dogs, which is surprisingly non-violent, the f word is used 252 times. Of course, one has to expect unsavory characters to use unsavory words, but heaven forbid a kid should hear a cuss word. Never mind that if the kid has a parent that's letting them watch Reservoir Dogs, that kid's probably already exposed to that sort of language.

I reviewed movies last year for my school newspaper, and Kill Bill Volume One gave me a lot of mental anguish. On the one hand, I enjoyed, nay, relished every moment of the movie, but on the other hand, my school was K-12 and I couldn't exactly recommend the movie to some kid in kindergarten. Well, check that, I probably would, but I'm a weirdo who enjoys doing that sort of thing to kids. Unfortunately, this was a format where that kid's parents could know that I'd done it, and I did NOT want to get in trouble. So I reviewed something forgettable in a piece of pure fluff. Ah, journalism.

I have a strange temptation to submit my site as an Awful Link of the Day for Something Awful. There are two things keeping me from doing so. First, it would get me a lot of page views in a small amount of time, which causes bad things to happen. More importantly, I don't know if this site is really awful, per se. I mean, the layout isn't as slick as some, but then again, it isn't bad either. As for the content, I don't know. I like the content, but these days it's just me ranting about something that doesn't really matter that much for a while. But then again, that's the backbone of I-Mockery, and RoG gets to be on TV. So I guess that isn't so bad, either. I guess I'd have to call my site comfortably mediocre. And that's good enough for me.

I was thinking about having a link in the preceding paragraph to a copy of my old index page, but after examining it, I decided it was too bad to be shown. It doesn't help that most of the images I had on the old index were deleted in last November's Stalinistic purge of old subpages and images, and also that the Javascript I used for a bunch of "cool" effects is now outdated. Of course, all of those "cool" effects were kind of silly and are only on it because they seemed like a good idea at the time. They also made the site very slow to load. At one point, it could take up to four minutes to load if you were on a slow dial-up connection, which I was. And then for all that loading time, there wasn't all that much content. Kind of like now, except with a mich longer load. But there was something else about the stuff I had on the old index: I already had the stream of consciousness writing that doesn't take itself too seriously. (Some of my paranthetical statements were hilarious, as well.) That's how I write now, and I found it amazing that I wrote that way so long ago. I started this site when I was in sixth grade, so that was seven years ago. That's not all that long chronologically, but it's a very big deal physiologically. I was prepubescent when I was first typing hunting and pecking whatever I felt like saying at the moment, and soon I was no longer hunting. So either I was a very precocious kid or I'm just immature now. I'm going to say it's a little bit of both, but mostly just me being immature now.

Speaking of precocious children, I have a new story for you to read. It's a short story from my short story class, and it has a DISTURBING CONTENT WARNING. Now that I've warned you, get to the Writing section and read it anyway.


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