Here we find a collection of some of the sickest minds on the Web. Ok, it's mostly e-mail's I got, but it's still funny :P
Heaven and on....
Fun things to do.... *weg*
The Really Big Button that Doesn't Do Anything You try to figure it out.
Huh? Should this make sense?
Poem A.k.a. Get a life.
Cat HaikuPoetry in motion- yeah, right.
Error Messages Tired of dead links? Here's some help.
Bizarre Yes, I have been sitting here too long.
Diner tricks What not to do if you want to eat
Types The nine types of dates.
What body part... C'mon, you know you're curious.
Redneck Neighbor And you thought your neighbors were bad. (Not there anymore, but fond memory won't let me take the link down)
Otterpong Just what it sounds like.
Mushroom Wars hehehe
Profound Well, not really. Well, some of it. Well- oh, you go look.
Sarcasm For just the right phrase.
Chili Contest Always consider where you are when volunteering to judge chili.
Superkids Humor Cute.
Anagram maker
Redmeat Definitely for a mature audience.
MadBlast Flash fun.
The End It's true, you've been surfing too long.
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