About Cybrludite
Ok, here's the "My name
is Bob, and I like Cheeze-Wiz and collect Lincon Logs" part of the page.
Actually, my name is Jon, and I'm an old style gamer geek. I got started
in this hobby in June of 1979 with the old "Brown Booklet" version of Dungeons
& Dragons while at summer camp. Soon after that, I discovered Traveller
in the little black booklet version and was hooked for good. Then nine
years later, I was introduced to GURPS and was hooked again. Finally a
system flexable enough for my short attention span!
In real life, I'm
a computer tech in New Orleans who games on a bi-weekly basis with a regular
crew. My handle is based on my rather odd views on technology. While I
work in a high tech field, I still read & study how things were done
before we had all these toys. I'm equally at home in the city and in the
boondocks, and can swing a hammer as easily as I can install NT. Over the
years I've been (in no particular order) a history student, carpenter,
stage hand, stage electrician, maintnence man, grocery cashier, gardener,
ISP tech support rep, and overall professional computer geek. As soon as
I have some free time (Say around 2014 or so) I'll add my pic to the page.
Meanwhile, you can reach me at cybrludite@AOL.com. Yes, I know AOL sucks.
I just use it for e-mail & online gaming. My connectivity comes from
looks like I had some free time before 2014. :-) Here's a pic of me and
my neighbor on or about Halloween.
I'm the norseman in the green tunic...