A Genealogy Page dedicated to Family Ancestory beginning in the First Age
Elves, Humans, and Dwarves have long lived with one another. Elves awoke aproximately 2,000 years after Middle Earth was created by the Valar. After wandering around Middle Earth, seeing only the stars, some elves decided to leave Middle Earth, hence the first Sundering, the Noldo (Gnomes they are called in "Unfinished Tales") decided that they should travel to Aman, and they did, the Teleri (Sindarin) travelling to the shore and being guided while on an island (Tol Errasea, The Lonely Isle, strangely similar to England), by the Valar Osse, and the Nandorin and other Sinda still in Middle Earth, becomming the Moriquendi, or those who did not see the Light of the Trees (Which the Noldo did, hence they are called the Calaquendi, light elves). There was only one group of elves who completely REJECTED the journey given to them by the Valar, and those were the Avari, but they don't truthfully come into the story until late in Beleriandic terms.
At any rate, 10,000 years after the elves arrived in Aman, they began to become upset, thinking that the Valar called them there because of the coming of Man, that Man would be ruler of Middle Earth. The leader of this rebellion was the eldest son of Finwe: Feanor (Actually Curufinwe, but called Feanor by his mother, means "Spirit of Fire"). He many of the Noldo out of Aman (Fingolfin, and all of the children of Finarfin, plus those who followed them) and when they came to the shore, they realized they needed to cross the ocean. The only ones who had ships at that time were the Teleri on Tol Erassea. They had White Swan ships, which they built by the help of Osse. Feanor requested the ships and was rejected. He took the ships by force, causing the first Kinslaying: Noldo against Telerin(Sinda). Feanor and his sons and only a few of their followers (Fingolfin, Finrod, Aegnor, Amrod, Galadriel and their follows excluded) crossed the ocean, and then, thinking that perhaps the others would attempt to become rulers in this big land, burnt the beautiful ships, whose like would never nor ever were seen again. The rest of the Noldo arrived in Middle Earth after crossing the Helcaraxe (Grinding Ice. It was a land of ice in which MANY elves died). After suffering hardships they arrived in Middle Earth, second group of Noldo to arrive there.
Even before this venture occured, Aule, a Valar, was becomming hasty, for the Valar had spent quite a long time making Middle Earth (what with Morgoth/Melkor destroying it all the time), and the elves, whose coming had been foretold, had not yet awoken. Aule decided in his haste and impatience that he would make a race as well. One similar but not to the elves. They were short of stature and loved rock and wood. One guess who they were: the dwarves. I shan't go into what he and Eru Iluvatar (the One.. God :) said, as Eru hadn't given Aule permission, but remember Eru is their version of God and He knew it would happen beforehand. As punishment for his haste, the dwarves would not come into being until after the elves, and so it happened. After the Noldo arrived in Middle Earth, the dwarves began delving deep into the earth, making caves and great Kingdoms (i.e. Nogrod and Belegost and the most magnificant: Khazad-dum (Moria)).
Man came from over Ered Luin (The Blue Mountains), coming in large groups, most saying that they were running from something evil.The most famous elf-man friendship at that time was between they and King Finrod Felagund (Given this name by the dwarves who delved his kingdom: Narogthrond), eldest son of Finarfin. The men began building communites in Dorthonion, Dor-Lomin and parts of Himlad, which were under the realm of Curufin and Celegorm, two sons of Feanor (Who by this time had died during one of the 5 wars of Beleriand).
This has already run longer than expected;) So I shall stop here, and let you read the book. All this information is found in the book (Trees included), "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien.
And here are the trees;)