
Celebwen's Halls of Tolkien
Ai na vedui! Mae Govannen!
The above text is written in Quenya, but only if you have the truetype font for it.
Read a little about who Tolkien is! (Besides being a terrific author!) *s*
 This picture is from the Lord of the Rings, one of his most popular books. Click here if you'd like a short summary.<--not up yet

Tolkien Image Archive!
List of Family Trees and other interesting things of the like<---
Articles on questions pertaining to Tolkien's world
Also - and improvement on the EXTREMELY brief Biography
One thing I love about Tolkien, are the languages that he created. You can write in these different languages by clicking here! The page contains wonderful font information and downloads, and is a great page overall, in fact:)
As soon as I have the time, I shall make a list of good Tolkien pages you can go to, but at the moment, I'm still getting the basic parts of the page down! *s*
Do you think your page should be linked here? Email me!
As with all homepages, I shall always be constructing my page, so you are most welcome to come back whenever you'd like!
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