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Background Scriptures: Proverbs 4: 1-13, 9: 10
Meditation Scriptures: Job 23: 12; Job 38-49 (entire chapters); Psalm 19: 7-14;
Psalm 119: 9-16, 33-34, 66-68; I Corinthians 3: 18-20; II Timothy 2: 15, James 1: 5-6
I was a good student. I never actually liked school, but I liked knowing things, and school was apparently the way for me to acquire knowledge. In fact, at one point in my life, it appeared as though I would become a "professional student." I think everyone, especially my Mom, was relieved when I finally settled down and got a job...not that getting a job drove the "need to know" out of my blood. "Scientia est potentia."
Knowledge is power. Lately, I've been seriously considering enrollment at the Home Depot University...
Knowledge is a lot like good looks. Many who think they have it don't. Most who do have it had to work at it, and they don't always recognize it when they get it. And when I think of knowledge, I automatically think of wisdom, for they share this similar, elusive quality. Now that I'm older, I find myself longing for wisdom as much as, if not more than, the knowledge I sought when I was younger.
I have a confession to make, though. It is ironic, but the one discipline in which I will always feel lost is Philosopy: the love of wisdom (philos=love + sophia=wisdom). I could listen forever to people discussing great thinkers and the thoughts they thought, but for some reason, I am unable to retain that knowledge for very long. It is not as though I have not had some wonderful philosophers as parents, teachers, and friends. But if you put me in roomful of these people, the best I could contribute would be, "Uh-huh..what he just said..." I'd have very little of substance or relevance to add to their conversation, but I would long for the knowledge and wisdom behind it.
But what wisdom should I be seeking, and how should I go about obtaining it? The Bible says that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God (I Corinthians 2:19) and that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). James says that if you lack wisdom, you must ask for it (James 1: 5-6). The late Donald Stamps, General Editor of the Full Life Study Bible, commented on this passage of Scripture in this way:
[Wisdom is] the spiritual capacity to see and evaluate life and conduct from God's point of view. It involves making right choices and doing right things according to both the will of God revealed in His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We can receive wisdom by drawing near to God and asking for it in faith.
Proverbs tells us to get wisdom and to get instruction and never let it go (Proverbs 4:13). The psalmist repeatedly implores God to teach him His laws (Psalm 119: 33, 66). Paul's letter to Timothy says that we must study (II Timothy 2:15). Great. Just what I need. More school. But every time I am about to conclude that I've had enough school to last me a lifetime, I find myself remembering how Job and his friends embarrassed themselves and sinned before God by spouting off their wisdom and knowledge (Job 38:2).
It is said that when a person stops learning, he stops growing. And when he stops growing, he stops living. So if living is learning, I suppose I will never get out of school! It is also said that "many books can inform, but only the Bible can transform." Left to my own devices, I would probably rename the Bible "Life for Dummies." I would do it, that is, were I not so afraid that it would be an affront to the holiness and majesty of God! But for me, the Bible is a living, breathing document. For anyone who truly desires spiritual wisdom, the word of God is light (Psalm 119:105), a treasure far better than gold (Psalm 119:72), and more necessary than food (Job 23:12).
So it looks like we are all professional students, after all. Life is the ultimate "work-study" program. We can never know it all. We cannot earn brownie points by bringing an apple to the Teacher, and there is no "extra credit." We will not receive a report card in this life, so we cannot know our grade point average. We do not even know when our "Graduation Day" will come, but in the meantime, let us be diligent and look forward to that day, even as we earnestly strive to become God's best and wisest students.

MIDI Sequence "Available To You" by Samuel Tolbert
Zondervan Publishing House
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Copyright 1999 Monica L. Northington