The Official Foundation For David And Sonia Being Together
The Official Foundation For David And Sonia Being Together

It's still here and so am I. Contact me.

David Carter/Oosha
When Hybrid...
Sonia Lear
...meets girl.

I bring you Greetings ::Eye dilates::

Salutations and Welcome to The Official Foundation For David and Sonia Being Together. Yosh! but that's a mouthful. I am Thomas Sean Hedges, but you may refer to me by my Tyrusian title: Ton Eloot. This is the official Web Site for a Foundation that endorses the possibility of David Carter and Sonia Lear becoming romantically involved. For those of you who don't know, David and Sonia are two of the many major characters in what was a weekly Drama/Sci-fi animated miniseries (The first of its kind) known as Invasion America. It is inconclusive, at least until Book 2 arrives (if it does), where these two stand as far as attraction goes for one another. The last episode seemed to aid this endorsement immensely. While some, including the members of this site and myself, hope for a romantic end; many others are hoping that David and Sonia do not become an item. However, I feel that David and Sonia are meant for one another, and that them becoming boyfriend/girlfriend is just adorable.

Since the concluding episode still didn't answer the David/Sonia ordeal, this site continues to exist regardless to house Invasion America fanfic that are based mainly around David and Sonia; although this site will also accept Invasion America fanfic of all kinds.

However, don't expect major information on Invasion America in general from this site. There are enough IA websites out there to fit your needs for the particulars of the show. If you want great reviews and an all-around great Invasion America site (The greatest I've ever seen, actually.) then check out Invasion America Database. Also, don't expect a collection of pictures from the series either. This site will mainly feature only fan art. I reiterate, there are other sites out there that would fit your image needs far better than this site. The best I've seen being The Invasion America Episode Guide. You'll find other great IA sites in my list of links.

I hope you enjoy your stay, and please don't forget to leave your mark in The Tyrusian Tome before you leave.

Site Features

David and Sonia Fanfic David and Sonia concepts
Invasion America Fan Art Invasion America Links
The Invasion America List of Nouns Teach Yourself Tyrusian!
The Topless Native Women Website The Unofficial Sonia Lear Fan Club
Invasion America Cast Direction The Invasion America Keeper's List
You Watch Too Much Invasion America! Invasion America Top Ten Lists
The Invasion America Webring Invasion America Java Chat Room
Sign My Tyrusian Tome View My Tyrusian Tome

Current Members
Current Number of Members: 42

Fushia * M4A3 * RoachM * Missy * Kali * Sonia Carter Oosha * Red Raptor * The SilverShadow
Kaleio * IA * Benjamyn * Roob * Lee Oosha * David Carter * Andara Kiscali * Kim * Doc * Tross
Gabby 7 * Caylem Hugh * Jan Thomas * Lord Darkheart * Angel * Soleta * Sim * Raya * Jason
Tao Rana * IARita * TJ * Michael Ayers * Genevra Linnet * Goofuss * Specter * Deb14 * Shalli
Swtariegrl * Catwoman * Jim Bailey * Rydia * Goddess Cow * Auryela * Rock Hound * Ariana
Siek * Ton Eloot

Want to Join The Foundation?

All you have to do to join is fill out an e-mail with the following information and send it to As you see above, members are given their own page with their own profile. You will too, if you join.

Also, as an option, you can have included in your profile a picture. Now this could be a real life picture of yourself, a picture of your fictional character (if you have one), or practically anything that you want on your profile. If you do choose to include a picture and it has a URL already, then include the URL in the e-mail, or if it doesn't have a URL, then simply send it as an e-mail attachment.

Invasion America and its related characters are a Registered Trademark of DreamWorks SKG

The FFDASBT Logo supplied by Fushia.

Message From Michael Reaves

I'm sure I speak for everyone on the IA team when I say that your efforts on its behalf are greatly appreciated. Even if IA doesn't go beyond one season, it's gratifying to know that it inspired such devotion and industry among its fans. For the most part, those of us who work in TV toil in anonymity, with little or no feedback on what we do. IA has been very different in that regard, and we appreciate it. Thanks.

Feel free to post this message on your site if you're so inclined.

Michael Reaves


Written in response to The Invasion America Fan Club Petition.
You are the Tyrusian to visit The Foundation!
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Ton Eloot.

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This Site was last Updated October 25, 2000.

New Fanfic by Xan Kriegor has been added to the FanFic page.
Siek has joined The Foundation.
Ariana has joined The Foundation.
Rock Hound has joined The Foundation.
TFFDASBT site format has been updated.
New Fanart, by Lindsey has been added to the FanArt page.
The fanfic errors on the fanfic page have been corrected.

If you have questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me
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