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Land o' Lethargy

Gratuitous DD photo. . .sue me.

Bored with reading yet another cancer vignette?
Written all those death threats to all your favorite authors?

Well, then, join us -- the bored, the dispirited, the want-it-now Philes!

Here you can have it all:
Procrastinate writing those feedback letters!
Read the unfinished story that will never develop a plot!
Moan about the latest episode and be utterly ignored by everyone around you!

Come to me, the slothful, the procrastinating, the apathetic.
Come, and use these links--
who says you have to have original material
when you can simply use the handiwork of others?

Welcome to My Lethargically Updated Land!

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- - -this site always under construction - - - 25/04/99

This page designed and kept by the gracious and generousMaybeAmanda. Be grateful. I am.
Unfortunately, if the links don't work, it's all my fault - blame