Being a fan of Montreal-based static low-fi hard techno core noise project VROMB , it give me great pleasure to bring you this homage page, dedicated to the genius of the band which has influenced the sound of ARCHANGEL and ATMOSPHEH-RHYCXX forever!
VROMB's first official release was a limited edition sampler/compilation CD which included a 20 minute track from Catharsist, 2 pieces from Of Tanz Victims... and 3 submissions from Hugo Girard (Vromb). The release gained enough recognition, enough so that St-Hubert-based label BaTARr records descided to release VROMB's full-length debut, on compact disk...
... the BaTARr RECORDS/TESCO split release CD called "Jeux De Terre/Lieu Et Matiere". The album was packaged in an oversized hard stock cardboard insert cover, with a whole bunch of pictures and drawings of unidentified insects and such. The linear notes credit one Hugo Girard as being responsible for this VROMB thing.
"Jeux De Terre" was the ultimate hard ambient album. It featured close to no rhythms (save the occasionnal low thump and crash in the background), and explored the sounds of underground activity let loose on an overground colony. These sounds were mostly similar to bug atmospheres, with waves of buzzings and clickings droning past, oh so subtlely...
VROMB' s next contribution to the digital marketing scheme was another BaTARr release; a four-band split compilation entitled "Les Envahisseurs" (which also included Balaam Galang, and Catharsist). VROMB was commissionned to finish off the CD with a loud, high-anxiety attack on the listeners aural senses, and his 3 tracks are amongst the noisiest, most powerful compositions he' s ever released!
A double-cassette release called "No Machine Is Silent" featured an unreleased VROMB track called "Titanic", and remains to this day unavailable anywhere else. Many fans said that "Titanic" was the most representative piece for the compilative effort.
German-based label ANT-ZEN then descided to release VROMB' s second full-length album, "Le Facteur Humain". This time around, Hugo goes beyond atmospheres, and includes elements of proggressive noise-techno in his melting pot of sound textures. The result is no less than fantastic. The raw energy and "power" generated from the sounds and rhythm mutations swallow the listener into a world beyond the conscious being. We become witnesses to a new world invisible to our eyes.
Interestingly, the inside cover design features a quoted except from and experience conducted by Doctor Heurel Gaudot ("Glugloide" for friends) about the aura... and the effects of the experiment gone bad!
Simultaneously to the release of "Le Facteur Humain", Ant-Zen releases "Transmodulation A.M.P.", a 7" vinyl single featuring two versions of the track. "T. AMP" is what some may label as the ultimate techno-noise piece, mixing typically-VROMBesque sound processings with hard beats and repetitive rhythms. Still, the piece(s) is too harsh to be commercially promoted in clubs or on the radio, so fans fearing the sell-out of Vromb need no concern.
Please note that, days following the original release of "Transmodulation A.M.P.", I (Atmospheh-rhycxx) sampled the main rhythm/sequence segment of version 1 for the core beat behind the D.F.S. song "Stealing The Spirit". The first version of the piece appears on WRECK AGE's "A Cosmic Noise Compilation Vol. 1", which appeared in 1996. Three other versions also appear on the DFS vs ATMS album "Spawned From Apathy", released in early 1998. Another version will appear on the DFS full-length album "Phase II: RECLONED".
What followed after "Transmodulation A.M.P." is very confusing. VROMB released many compilation submissions, released on many different labels.
Amongst many others, VROMB provided the introductory piece "Zone X" to MALIGNANT RECORDS' amazing debut compilation, "Invisible Domains", which also features great tunes by VOICE OF EYE , LULL , KIRCHENKAMPF , and ILLUSION OF SAFETY, to name a few.
From what I can tell, the following 100% VROMB release was the ANT-ZEN special package "Perimetre 3 + 10". A 10" vinyl picture disc, with 2 amazing technoid-like pieces, make up "Perimetre 10". On the actual sleeve of the 10" is a small pouch containing a 3" mini CD, which is "Perimetre 3"; featuring 3 other pieces, similar to those appearing on the 10" vinyl, yet less energetic in their delivery, more ambient-like in texture, yet with loads of typically VROMB beats. Personally, I found this release to be one of the weakest from VROMB, especially considering his string of amazing releases up until then. Still, I found "Perimetre 3+10" to be many times more stimulating than anything being released on commercial labels. Hats off to Hugo and Stephan Alt (Ant-Zen).
After that came another unconventionnal release: the e.p. "Emission: Pilote". This time, Ant-Zen released two different versions: One on CD with a 22-or-so long bonus piece, and a 12" black vinyl version, without the 22 minute piece, but with an extra remix, unavailable on the CD version! As if this wasn't confusing enough, both versions were mixed/mastered differently, so the pieces sound different from the CD to the vinyl! The artwork also differs between the two versions. This e.p. serves as a prequel of sorts to VROMB's upcoming full-length album "Emission", also rumoured to be released in various different formats with different mixing... I found this release(s) much more stimulating than "Perimetre 3+10". Many people have said that VROMB has become more club friendly with the "Emission Pilote" e.p., but I found it just as pleasing as anything else he's put out. Granted, there are many funky rhythms and sequencing present, but the overall texture remains true to the VROMB sound since "Le Facteur Humain".
A fine release is the "Rotation" 7" vinyl. Pressed on black vinyl, under a black cover, this single features two more prime examples of a bass heavy thump beneath (and over-layed at times) a series of fizzles and fuzzy, scratchy radio-bandwith communique...
One piece has the great bonuses of featuring, what appears to be, a sampled scratchy vinyl record. Nice touch, which makes ROTATION 7" a bonus beats section.
As a brief moment of unfortunate delay, which has prevented the quicker release of the long-awaited "Emission" album, a 40 minute "interlude" is presented.By no means is thie little interuption in our regulary schedule programming in any way attached or related in any way to the "Emission" project. " Interluder " features two short programs, divided into 3 and 2 segments. From the opening of eletro-synaptic clicks, wuzzing drones, and rhythmic pulses, through a mirror-scope of remote techno-electro organic rumblingness (??)>
How can one describe it better when he issued the early warning to me, from his own mouth, : "I don't want to scare you, but this almost feels like it's my more ... accessible ... approach....". That little moment, yes, I was a little nervous, indeed!
In actuality, this is one of trully the more complete works of VROMB I have heard in a long while. The format/packaging in user friendly, but incredibly delicious and "rusty" visual and material renders it unique. Sound quality is only equaled by the immense imaginative sound design, buildup, and break-off points in the prograsmming. Program 1 is the more beat per bleep variety of repetitive signals (more beats!), while Program 2 features an intreguing lapse in cohesion, only to slowly emerge into an electronic prec-fest Carnaval (del Rio! Grande!). I await the next in the continuing broadcasts and interuptions of Hugp Girard and the old recorded logs of Dr. Heurel "Glugloide" Gaudot. The never ending experiment in exploration continues...
Read the in-depth review written by the Butterman on the official website of CHAIN D.L.K..
(Still No Scanner).
"EPISODES" full-length album
Released in three, all the more collectible versions by ANT ZEN records:
A rather normal, typical-looking release, most probably unlimited in its release, features the same basic minimal design as the inside booklet from the metal box version. Regular jewel-case packaging. 12-page booklet: black cardboard w/ silver print
A trully unique (and limited) packaging, featuring tons of information within the inner booklets, a few Ant-Zen and Vromb stickers, and also includes a 5" special format vinyl record, titled "Perimetre 5", which features two new tunes not available on any other format of this release. Metal boxset w/ vromb logo, cd (cardboard-package) + 5"vinyl (cardboard-package) + 12p booklet + sticker. limited 740 copies.
- Double LP Vinyl (w/ bonus):
A full-sized (about 12" by 12") vinyl box set, which features essentially the same (minus a few subtle changes) artwork of the regular jewel case CD, and the inner art of the metal box version. Housed within this black box are three vinyls: two 12" and one 7". Figuring out which sides to play in what order can be tricky for those who don't read labels or cover credits. 2x12" vinyl + 7" vinyl in cardboard box w/12p booklet + sticker. limited 446 copies, sold out!
"EPISODES" is presented in four segments of approximatly 15 minutes each, sandwitched between an intro and epilogue piece. The result has been getting mixed feedback, but you can get an in-depth review written by the Butterman on the official website of CHAIN D.L.K..
Released in the Montreal label HUSHUSH on May 31, 2002, "Memoires Paramoleculaires" seems to be a return to the less rhythm-oriented material we've come to expect from Vromb. Featuring a host of re-sampled and re-designed sound sources, this album will please fans of Vromb's first album, as well as intrigue followers of the drone-beat Vromb of later releases. A virtually non-stop series of sequences and tones, with many highlights and a few suprises as well along the way. Also of note, the usually amazing artwork by BIO-Z is this time augmented with illustrations of Heurel Gaudot by Montreal artist Steve Deschenes. In my opinion, a deffinite must-have for all fans, and a perfect introduction for new arrivals as well
Read the in-depth review written by the Butterman on the official website of CHAIN D.L.K..
The front logo design for the T-Shirt
ANT-ZEN has also released a VROMB T-Shirt, which is by the way. The design is the new "distorted" logo in blue on the front, and the VROMB name and a Dr. Heurel "Glugloide" Gaudot quote in silver on the back. It is a very sober T-Shirt, very simple, but extremelly effective. I was lucky enough to get my filthy paws on one, and it actually fits!
VROMB's mastermind Hugo Girard also worked as producer/adviser for the project VOSTOK. As far as I know, VOSTOK has only released one piece, on the extremelly limited and hard to find compilation "Teknoir". A few years ago, C. K. U. T. deejay Doctor Lxus Anonymous played an unreleased Vostok piece on the defunct show Lu-Nad-Ic Wax. Rumours have it that the existence of another band, which had already numerous releases under its belt, was the main decision behind the unfortunate demise of a very promissing side-line project...
MASCHINENFEST double CD compilation (Pflichtkauf)
VROMB contributes the track "Zentrum" on the second disc. The compilation also features CONVERTER, SCORN, and SILK SAW, amongst others.
ANT-HOLOGY: the 5th anniversary compilation (double CD) (Ant-Zen Act 75)
VROMB`s contribution if the 10+ minute "Au Dessus Du Sol", which is a fuzzy tribute to both his debut album and its sequel. The compilation also features noisy contributions from HYPNOSKULL, SIGILLUM S, SONAR, STONE GLASS STEEL, TELEPHERIQUE, AUBE, SALT, and CONTAGIOUS ORGASM, amongst many others.
FEAR DROP (Spacial Rendez-Vous magazine #7) CD w/zine (Feardrop/editions Jeunes Garennes)
With this incredibly well-made magazine (issue no. 7) comes a 10-track CD with unreleased pieces from FINAL, FRANCISCO LOPEZ, SILK SAW, TELEPHERIQUE, and VROMB`s "Source E. G.", amongst other contributors.
I am absolutly certain there must be tons of other compilations in this solar system with contributions from VROMB. Although I try to keep myself in touch with all things VROMB-related, it is very often difficult to keep afloat of all the music/anti-music being release today. As I aquire more releases from VROMB, I will post them here!
A live picture of VROMB, aka Hugo Girard.
Hugo Girard, mastermind behind VROMB, as he appears in real life!
My own personnal history of VROMB ends here, a few years after the last releases. Rumours were everywhere, whispering the release of a 3" mini CD release on BaTARr, a 12" picture vinyl on Malignant Records, and contribution tracks for various european-based labels... But as is the case with most of these independant underground noise manipulators, it's close to impossible to figure out what is really happening, and what is just a crazed, obsessed fan's delusionnal rantings.
If anyone would care to enlighten and add to this page, then please don't hesitate to contact me at:
It would be with great pleasure that I'd add any information and/or visuals/pictures about VROMB and his side projects (if any).