
The wedding of Ukumay, and Mordenheim

You are most cordially invited to join Ukumay and Mordenheim Saturday, February 13th at 10:00 pm EST, in a wedding, joining their love, honor, and life to each other. Now, as a visual, below, is the wedding party. Sit back, get comfortable, and enjoy it.

Above is DarkDragons and RavenChild. Don't they look great?

That's Fangrelle and Lady Moonlit. Aren't they cute?

These are Sonata, the jitterfox, and his lovely wulf wife, Lyanna. =)

That's Mordenheim.

Ukumay, of course. =)

Some of you, may have read in Ukumay and Mordenheim's descriptions, about petwer dagger necklaces. There is picture of them below, take a glance. =)

That one belongs to Ukumay, a firestone set within it.

And that one belongs to Mordenheim, a icestone set within it.

Thanks for coming! Mordenheim and Ukumay give you many thanks.

Also, please download the Wedding March and also KitProxy And copy them into your Furcadia file before the wedding. If you have trouble with lag or not being able to log on, simply remove KitProxy from the file. It is just to keep you from lagging off. =)

Also, a HUGE thanks to WereKatt without him the visual effects of this wedding would have not been possible. Go check out his awesome, amazing page.