you are about to leave the only home you've known, Earth, Into the relm of the universe. This rock we call Earth is huge and as far as the eye can see all we see is Earth. Thousands of miles from your home is another human being liveing on the same Chunck of dirt as you, but you'll never get to see them, the world is too big you can't make it. Well if you think there is a lot of space between you and the other side of the world, then you need to know exactly what space is. The image below is of a groupe of stars called a galaxy. This galaxy is so far away from us ,that if you could travel as fast as light {light travels at 186,282 miles per second or 670 million miles an hour}. You could never reach it in your life time, in fact you would not have reached it by the time your great-great grandchild had passed on.
The Sombrero Galaxy

facts about the solar system