Hello to all that visit this site. This site is dedicated to my life and the way I live.
I can tell you that time has flown by. The last time I updated was when my 2nd child was born. I have 3 beautiful little girls now. Elora Danielle Crom was born May 25, 2005. My life has completely changed since the last time I updated this website. Originally Liz and I had seperate OSO's. I used to have an occasional OSO but in the last year and a half we have had only one other person in our life. I will get to that later. I am going to explain a little about my lifestyle to those who do not already know me or about the way I live.
In our lifestyle we are allowed to love whomever we want as long as we respect each others limits and be considerate because our primary relationship which consists of all three of is means the world to us. Most people would consider us swingers but that is not the case because we are not out for the sex but we are out for the love and companionship of other people. There can never be enough love in the world. This lifestyle is call Polyamory. It means many loves. I am eventually going to dedicate a seperate page all about being poly and my views on it and how it works for us but for right now this will have to do.
Now a little more about me because this is my website. LOL. I am such a leo. Right now Liz and I are committed to one person. Her name is Lorri. I have known her for over 3 years but finally got to meet her just over 2 years ago. I met her while I was living in Boynton Beach running a Beef'O'Brady's. She lived on the west coast. We ended up running into each other at a local drumming circle. The next week we had chai tea together at "The Den". (Of course they are no longer in business) Lorri and I just hit it off. She came to visit me in Boynton Beach and we had a blast.
I ended up losing my job on the East coast because the business was going under (no fault of my own). Lorri offered us a place to stay and things just went from there. Lorri was there for not only the birth of Elora but also the conception. Lorri cut the cord when Elora was born. It was a beautiful occasion. At the Ren Faire last year we officially propesed to Lorri and asked her to be our wife. She said yes and we all bought Pepe's puzzle rings. They are just awesome. They have 6 bands and 2 of them are gold and 4 are silver. We actually proposed to her a few months back.
We are planning to have our handfasting as soon as possible. We are also going to be moving out of FL sometime in late 2006 early 2007. At the moment I have one year left of my computer programming degree at FMU online. I am also in charge of the local Pagan Pride Day in Pasco County. (link will be provided soon). This is my 2nd year doing Pagan Pride Day. Last year it was hell getting everything together but it was a blast. There is more info on this under my Pagan tab. I am also running a small computer repair, webdesign, and computer building business. My life is full and I am happy with every aspect except my current daytime job.
This a picture of Me and my family.
I am trying my best to keep on adding but I get caught up with everything else so please excuse the mess.
Email me at Kapua51@hotmail.com or Kapua51@msn.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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people has been to this site since August 18, 1998. Updated December 17, 2003. Updated 2/1/2005.
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