Make yourself at home and grab a flagon of your favorite brew, and perhaps perusesome tidbits I happen to have laying around.
You can now chat with me, here. Now. If I'm not online just leave me a message.
It is with much regret that I announce the passing of a dear friend of mine for the last 12 years. Natasha Kittensky, my cat, passed away on my birthday, April 16th 2005. She will be greatly missed.
Do you like to fence? Do you live in the Portland, OR metro area? Join the Reed College Fencing mailing list to find out what's going on and to communicate with other fencers.
Click here to check out what's new!
Are you interested to know what do random internet people think of Fearless Leader? Click Here to find out.
I am available for employment! You may review my resume HERE
If you are morbidly curious and would like to know what I would look like in a dress, Click Here to see my erstwhile alter-ego's big on-stage debut.
If you'd like to see what I looked like, dressed up in a "white trash" costume for Halloween, Check out THIS, THIS, and THIS.
For those of you in the industry, or if you've ever had to call for technical support, check out my new project... the Support Technician's Anthem
If sharp objects are your fancy, may I recommend a a book I am writing titled The Sport and Art of the Sword, the ABC's of Rapier Combat in the Society of Creative Anachronism, or perhaps a visit to the Armory.
If you'd like to see some of my favorite examples of swordplay in action, you may want to see Swordplay in the Movies.
Feeling silly? Try a visit to Toontown, or for a quick bellylaugh, try Falstaff's Joke of the Week! You may also see my archived Jokes of the Week, in my Joke Library
If you find combat sports entertaining, you can meet me in theArena.
If you have some time to kill, try visiting The Casino.
Want to see something odd, eccentric, or just plain wierd? Take a trip to The Twilight Zone.
If cute and fuzzy turns you on, try a trip to the Zoo.
If you would like to find out more about me, then check out My Bio and Stats. You can also meet my family by going to My Kids' Web Page.
If you have any questions, comments, or just wanna say "Hi!", you can email me at
Reed College Fencing Mailing List
The Sport and Art of the Sword
in the Movies
The Twilight Zone
Bio and Stats
Joke of the Week
Joke Library
The Armory
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