Tribute to Troi
- my review of all Marina's big episodes, with
pictures from every episode (Recently
- The largest collection of Marina interviews
- pictures of me, my family and my friends (Picture of Me with The BSB added!)
Look what I won guys!
(for those who can't read it
it says:
Caption Contest Award Winner
"Michael Dorn? Is
that you? Marina told me that you were under pressure to get a job, but buddy, we
all should have our limits")
Infinitely Imzadi
Marina Sirtis Updates:
Insurrection is out on video!
Marina will be in London for a convention
this October (Thanks
Karen! )
Marina will also be at a Convention in
Bonn, Germany May 2000 (thanks Karen!)
You can write to Marina at:
Marina Sirtis
c/o Paramount Pictures
5555 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90038-3197
It is my goal to keep you updated on what's happening with Marina aka
conventions, recent acting jobs, interviews, etc. If you know anything about what Marina is doing please email me.
This page is opperated by Teresa Smith and
was last updated August 26th (2 new pictures added)
Deanna Troi is a Registered Trademark of
Paramount Pictures. No infringment is intended. This page has not been
approved by Paramount Pictures and is not at all related to them.