See Rudy. See Rudy run. See Rudy go insane and slaughter everyone in sight
Welcome to Agent Q's literary masterpiece, Rudy Goes Postal. We make no pretense at this being a quality piece of fanfiction with well-thought out implications and a sense of the deeper humanity of the characters. Heck, the fact that Agent Q writes each chapter in 15 minutes should tell you something. And yet, the strange, bizarre, rather violent world he has created continues to pull us back, to see what exactly he plans to do next.
Part One - Due to the extreme brevity of these chapters, they have now been incorporated into one section.
Chapter One - In which Rudy ponders the past, we meet Zog the Barbarian and gnomes are up to no good.
Chapter Two - In which Rudy, Zog and the gnomes come together. Chaos can only be around the corner.
Frequent visitors to this site might notice a rather long period between RGP chapters. This is due to the fact that Agent Q is, quite frankly, rather lazy. However, you can help speed up the process. Just sign the petition, and frighten Agent Q into writing!
Rudy Goes Postal Petition - Sign! Please! For the love of humanity!
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Rudy is property of Sony; Vincent, Aeris, Barret, Cloud, Kefka, Edward, and Cait Sith are property of Square. No rights reserved, this is done for amusement, we're not making any money of this, etc, etc. On the flip side, Rudy Goes Postal is sole property of Agent Q, and it's not looked kindly upon if you steal chapter or ideas. If you wish to contact Agent Q, you have to send it through Adobe Scribe (Agent Q is too lazy to get his own e-mail acount) at No reproduction without express, written permission. Thank you, and have a nice day.