
Moonstone rpg


The Wemic

Declassified Vehicles


Genetic Wars

New Moonstone

Miscellaneous Artwork

Version 7.2

I'm now adding to the site my membership with The Pack. More details will be forthcoming, as I'm very interested in the project that inspired the site, and I've gotten to know some people through this phenomenon.

Jonlrabbit / Scott Gardener links

Version History

Version 6 (November 2003): In the spirit of the Microsoft / Netscape arms race of 1999 or so, I've come out with a new version of this site that's really only trivially different from the previous one in appearance. I've made an effort to make the one link to my site (thank you, Thomas) continue to make sense.

Version 5 (August 2002 to October 2003): Version 5 is a remake of version 4 rather than a complete remodel from scratch, but some changes have been made to the overall flow. I made links to outside sites now open up in new browser windows rather than being stuck in my frames. I also did a bit of polishing up, tidying up 404 errors and expanding the site's links to my other pages. A version 5.5 was around for awhile, adding additional Genetic Wars stories and removing a few pieces of other peoples' work; they were there following guidelines given by those artists at their site, but the idea of posting other peoples' copyrighted stuff still felt funny. By October 2003, the site featured my first political rant and a working distribution of my Moonstone role-playing game.

Version 4 (October 2000 to August 2002): The site revision was done in part to repair broken links and tidy up appearances, but was mainly done to improve overall flow. Version 4 introduced frames; previous versions involved a lot more hopping about. The most dramatic change to the site after 4.0 was the revision of the opening panel the evening of September 11, 2001. No need to go into what happened that day again, but, like everyone else here in the United States and for that matter the rest of you on the planet, I was affected. Most of the other revisions of the site involved adding more stories or links to other sites. version 4 saw the expansion of my artwork from a small page to a full virtual gallery.

Version 3 (Somewhere in 1999 to October 2000): Modems were a lot slower then, and broadband was a true novelty. (It still needs to be more readily available.) My page back then was more green than blue, and only contained one or two stories at the time. I added a link to my radio station D.J. Dr. Cool Edge in May of 2000.

Version 2 (About 1997 to 1999): My pages were still very simple back then, but I put in some illustrations and crap. It actually looked like a personal web page.

Version 1 (About 1996 to 1997): My page started out with a paragraph of text. I was given an award for the fastest loading page on the web. Sadly, versions 1 and 2 have been lost to history for lack of backups.