My Page

Hello, I'm Aeron aka Ally and this is my homepage. Not that there's an awful lot here yet....

So who am I and what am I doing here?

I'm on the wrong side of thirty now, and I have loads of interests....

  • Scifi/Fantasy:- Marion Bradley (RIP), Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, Jennifer Roberson and Katherine Kurtz are among my favourite authors.

  • TV:- My fave programmes include Farscape, Highlander, Star Trek, Blakes Seven, Dr Who, Time Team and anything about volcanoes.

  • Chocolate:- Can't get enough of the stuff! A woman *needs* chocolate. I also bath in it as you can get some very nice chocolate scented bath and body products now.

  • Music:- I have been described as a psuedo rocking new-age folkie-goth. I like Loreena McKennitt, Capercaille, Nightwish, The Sisters of Mercy and lots of other stuff that you won't have heard of...

  • History:- There's just something about ruins - the older the better....

  • Greece:- Wonderful place. Lots of lovely *old* ruins, friendly people, great scenery and good food. Crete is my favourite Greek Island.

  • Russell Crowe in Gladiator:-Who doesn't? I think it's the leather skirt and the dirt....

  • Any problems or comments? Then Aeron