Welcome to Jen Zahara's Links!

Jerry and Lois Braun's web page Jerry's my dad!
Bob Braun's web page Bob's my uncle!
Laurel Povazan Laurel is a very cool chick who went to library school with me. Her page has a lot of good links for the horror fan.
NOW National Organization for Women.
PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an organization that makes a difference when animals are being mistreated. Check out this site and help them out!
ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union is vital if this country is to remain free.
ASPCA The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals exists because someone needs to speak for all animals.
ALA The American Library Association.
Mensa Mensa.
They Might Be Giants!!! This is the world's best band.
They Might also Be Giants! Another TMBG page, because the world needs more Giantheads!
Monopuff This is a side project of Giant John Flansburgh.
TMBG Dial-a-song This is a service of TMBG that's pretty cool. Just visit this page, or dial 718-387-6962 to hear a Giant selection.
Weird Al Yankovic
The Cure
Postcards for the web and other diversions
'Puter Toons Collection
Top Secret Recipes This is a great spot for well-known recipes that can be cloned in your own kitchen. I've tried enough of them to say that this guy knows what he's doing!
Rennaisance Festival page.Huzzah, I guess.
More RennFest stuff.

Get FREE Clip Art
From ClipArtConnection.com
Check out some gorgeous MERP and fantasy art (and some that actually sucks) at

Search engines
Mamma will find it for you!
Metacrawler Search it all at once and save time!
Mapquest Maps and driving directions.
Infospace The space for info!
My Schools
Simpson Elementary School
Johnson Elementary School
Hooverson Heights Primary School
Follansbee Middle School
Brooke High School
Bethany College
Unversity of Pittsburgh
Pace University
My eBay seller page.
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