You have finally found me!
Hi! I'm Jen Zahara.
This page is generally about me, my friends, and my cats. Please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think! All suggestions are tossed out the window with extreme respect.
Here's a very important page for all you cat lovers out there. It tells how you can avoid amputating your cat's fingers while still keeping them from damaging your stuff.
I am a cat lover, a feminist, and I have a Master's Degree in Library Science from the University of Pittsburgh. I'm also a graduate of Bethany College in West (By God) Virginia with a Bachelor's in Chemistry. However, I work at Verizon, because that's where the money is!
What do you believe?

Cool things I like:
My children (cats) Sheena, Greylin, and Maya,
*good* fantasy literature, like Tolkien and Robert Jordan,
scifi TV, movies, and books - a favorite being The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
alternative music, like They Might Be Giants, R.E.M., and Beck. My favorite is 80's college music. Go to my links page for music links.
My dream car is here!
Overheard on a Pittsburgh street corner:
First man: "Haven't seen you lately! Where you cribbin'?"
Second man: "Wherever I hangs my hat!" - Followed by hysterical laughter. I just like the sound of it!
My Links Page
My Pictures
Rant of the week:
Will be updated every so often, depending on me.
Subject: The difference between I and II...
From: axis-of-evil@gwbush.com
Bush I. was a star baseball player at Andover.
Bush II. didn't even make the varsity team.
Bush I. got straight A's at Yale.
Bush II. got D's and C's.
Bush I. was a heroic WWII fighter pilot.
Bush II. patrolled the coast of Texas during Vietnam
and quit flying when the National Guard began drug
Bush I. went to Texas and built a successful oil
Bush II.'s oil business failed almost immediately.
Bush I. fought a short war with Iraq that achieved
its objectives with relatively few U.S. causalities.
Bush II....?
Visit http://gwbush.com for Dubya's side of the
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