Plain, pure and simple, this is the
Wesley Death Page

Getting right to the point, this death page is for the express purpose of actually killing Wesley. Read on for some gruesome
and amusing Wesley deaths.
The following are a few suggestions for the death of Wesley that we have received through our
Kitara suggests throwing him into a pit of mad Targs and watching.
Hmm, sounds like fun.
Commander Woof recommends that we gouge his eyes out and rip his arms off!!!!
Sounds good to me.
Ian and Jason thoughtfully propose an overdose of Viagra.
Good idea (ha ha!).
Kitara's back, and she says "soda and pop rocks."
Cindy Morash wants us to cut off his head, then cut out his heart!
Then feed it to Worf, I suppose.
Mushu offers to toast him with her fiery breath.
Burn victim is good.
Nog Uts would find it extremely profitable to have Garak do it for him.
Good thinking. Never trust a hu-mon to make a profit.
Scoty suggests immersion in a tank of brown recluses.
With a cheering audience all around, I assure you!
Spawn would simply rip his puny head off!
Simple and effective. Admirable.
Zaphod Beeblebrox wants to beat him over his stupid brain with a baseball bat
what brain?
Ian most courteously returns to us, suggesting that we tie him between four shuttles and send them into warp in different directions simulataneously
Drawing and quartering him...sometimes the oldest trick in the book is the best.
Chica would put rat poison in his drink.
I think that's been Guinan's plan for a few hundred years, she might beat you to the punch! (pardon the pun!)
Yana Timez would shoot him with NSPellets modified to affect certain systems first, such as the brain...but then Wesley doesn't HAVE a brain.
Ryskim feels it would be fitting to send him out in a zero-g suit, then fire a full spread of photon torpedoes.
I hope we don't actually hit him, but just ignite the suit, burning him slowly to death while he freezes from space exposure...hehehe.
Mystream21 suggests first torture, then dismemberment with a chainsaw!!!
And why not?
Queue comments that we should teleport him to a borg ship and leave him, either he will bug the borgdeath in which case the federation wins, or the borg will assimilate him in which we're saved anyways.
Then again, the latter may lead to the former!
If you have a suggestion, contact