04/07/99 16:47:42
Name: Jerry Hale |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: Various |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: Leasuer? What's THAT |
Well done, will be back!
03/30/99 17:53:41
Name: Joelle |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: Bg Band |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: music and computing |
Hi James! Surprise! Thought I'd stop by to see how the web page was coming. Am still on icq...let me hear from you occasionally! Keep up the great work!
02/22/99 21:02:42
Name: Tester |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: Reading |
This is a test
12/31/98 17:04:03
12/29/98 10:03:10
Name: Shannon |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: r&b |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: kissing, and holding on tight |
James, I haven't heard from you in quite a while.What's going on? You could atleast email me sometimes, hurry up! I'm going off line next month and will be off for maybe the next year. Andrew's moved out now, and Jessie's next. Bill's still around sometim
s, I got a new job, it's interesting. We simply must talk soon. Heard about your van, are you going to get it fixed? Now you can't say I haven't tried to contact you. Be good, to somebody today. Always, your good friend.
12/08/98 04:25:00
this is a test
10/16/98 06:23:49
Just surfing Thanks
09/15/98 04:13:00
Name: Azrael |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: Various |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: Sleep |
Page looks better each time I look at it. Keep it up.
08/03/98 20:47:53
I'm glad you have found something nice to my site.
You are saying, about the results of your counter,
that people are moving slow. Well, I think we
don't have to act greedy about "publicity", all
that commercial stuff that, to quote you,is only
window dressing.
Take Kara's example - her trick with that
catch word ("sex") stands for her enthusiasm, but
all those long lists of "my buddies" aren't all
a bit superfluos, and tasting about superficiality,
in spite of all good intentions?
It's a fine sense of "carpe diem", seasoned with
irony and an unheard sigh in the poem of your Lady.
I must confess to you that part of my love poems
are for a Lady (of heart) too, gone with the wind
when she was nearing the age of 25. But I always
felt that none of those poems were hundred procent
specific - it's something more than a terrestrial
relationship, perhaps a warning, a sign that it is
a higher order than the one reflected by our life here.
Arrived at this point, I'm at your side when you
are stressing the conection, the continuity between
the Old and the New Testament.
Nevertheless, it isn't a new idea. But it doesn't mind.
In the matter of Religion, I think is better listening
to others like in a poetry lecture session,
taking the confession with the generosity you
are looking to all Nature's creatures. Polemic
is good for the mind, venomous for the heart.
07/04/98 16:31:32
Name: Jerry Hale |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: Rock & Roll |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: Listening to live bands |
Hi there Blue Eyes enjoyed your page...(Wild and Crazy Lady)....
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 12:10:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! 
06/27/98 13:35:42
Name: Nancy (DollsS) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: romantic songs |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: spending time with my sweetheart |
I loved your website and only hope that I can make one as good as yours.
Love Always;
Your Friend Forever with hugs and kisses
Nancy |
06/26/98 19:02:28
Name: Susan M. Tant |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favoirte Music: Country |
Your Favoirte Leasuer Activity: reading |
Love this site! |
06/04/98 18:42:44
Name: Shannon |
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Guess what! I found you! It took a bit of time, but I finally got the server to locate you.
Got to go now, but I'll be back.Soon!
05/12/98 10:38:29
Name: Perry A. Chapdelaine,Sr |
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05/05/98 03:49:16
Name: Caralyn |
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Just to say Hey Der ! She finally got me down here to show her how to get to your homepage.
Nice page, we will have to browse more later. Bye!
05/03/98 16:59:54
Name: Pat B |
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Kewl homepage Puterman !! Nice picture of you, too....Looking forward to visiting it again just to see what's new!! Keep up the great work.
05/02/98 23:05:08
Name: Susie Creemcheese |
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Cool man cool, daddy-o!
05/01/98 16:06:28
Name: Carolyn Richie |
Come Visit Me |
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Liked your poem.
04/29/98 09:51:27
Name: Ickaras |
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Very Good!! Damn I'm Impressed!!!
04/29/98 06:46:49