Since my website has a lot of links, you might get confused. So here is a list of things that you can get to within my page. For your information you can actually access most of them from the "fast index" at the bottom of most pages. But I just thought that this might help :)

  1. More about me. =>

  2. See some of my pictures. =>

  3. Download some funny programs. =>

  4. View the entries in my precious old guestbook. =>

  5. View my new guestbook. =>

  6. Sign my guestbook here. =>

  7. Some short stories i wrote. =>

  8. Want to plagiarise my assignments? Go here. =>

  9. Help for setting up a null-modem connection. =>

  10. Links to some of my friends' pages. =>

  11. Go to the beginning of the fantasy theme page. =>

  12. Back to my homepage. =>

  13. If you are thinking "I am confused. I want to get outta here!!" Go here. =>