If you can hear the song, what do you think of the 'metalised' Lord of the Rings Poem? All right, eh?
Note: you can get the full song here. (in mp3 format)

To Cmdr. Nik's HomePage

Magic, Spells and Fantasy

(This is a tribute to all fantasy story writers, esp. JRR Tolkien who made the Middle-Earth comes alive)


Greetings fellow adventurers. This page is dedicated to all of you who have travelled from lands afar and beyond, in search of thy destiny, wealth and friendship....

I am your humble comrade, helping you throughout your journey; to know your enemies, and defeat them; and to know your alliances, and befriend them...

Those of you who seek shelter will be given rest, and those who seek supplies will be replenished. Here, in the house of Magic, Spells and Fantasy...

We exist here together in the heart of a mystical world- where magic, spells and fantasy are the essence of life....



Honoured Ones, into the warmth of Magic, Spells and Fantasy; and leave thy sorrows and fears behind, as you are protected here, and beknown to thee, that thy pursuer is locked behind these bold gates of the heavenly shelter.

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smileThis HomePage is also for A.D.S. and S.E.smile