Literally the "middle of nowhere." This has been my boring home for about seventeen long years. I was born here on the thirty-first of March in the eighty-second year of the twentieth century. I weighed a whopping seven pounds, eight ounces and was twenty one and one-half inches long. I was the second born in a series of four, born on at 4:35 on a beautiful sunny day. I am not entirely sure but I have been told that I was your basic baby, all I really cared about was obsessively crying, compulsively drooling, and constantly pooping. When I was about five years old I started to get interested in helping my dad with feeding the cattle. One time my dad had to leave the tractor cab to fix the hay grinder. He left me in the tractor cab, alone, while he was working on the equipment. I was supposed to sit in the seat and stay out of trouble, but there was a loose bolt on the seat that made the seat rock. I grabbed a crescent wrench and started to turn in in the direction that I thought it should go to get tight. I ended up unscrewing the bolt and it came out, I was kind of curious about this so I decided to try it out on another bolt. I started removing any bolt that I could find on the seat. By the time my dad got done with the hay grinder I had effectively dismantled the tractor seat and had a small pile of bolts. I do not really remember my dads reaction to this but I bet he got a kick out of it knowing him. I started school in the year of 1988, 1 believe I was about five. I went to Pleasant Hill, it was a rural school, and now that I think back on it I still can't figure out why they called it pleasant. My grade consisted of Jeff Sisson, Janelle Femeau, some kid that moved away later, and me. We had classes in the "lower room," which was what we called the middle story of the school. This was where they had classes for kindergarten to fifth grade students. The "upper room' was actually the room directly above the basement, this was the room that the sixth grades and higher had their classes. With this being a country school, the teachers seemed to get replaced annually, therefore I can not remember very many of them, I don't know if this is good or bad. When I was about eight years old, my parents took us to Connecticut over our Christmas vacation to visit my cousin. This was the first time that I had ever flown. While in Connecticut we visited Boston and New York City. While we where in Boston we got to see a ship that was one of the ships in the Boston Tea Party.While we were in New York City we visited the United Nations building. Before we entered the UN building, my mom was looking up at the building while walking along and she walked directly into a lamp post. That brought her back down to earth. We also went and explored China town, we got to see the chickens hanging in the market. While we where in China town I was walking along and there was a big box on the side walk. I was kind of board so as I walked by I kicked it. To my surprise the box groaned, it ended up that I had kicked a homeless guys home. I don't remember how old I was but it was before middle school. We were helping that same cousin move from Hastings Nebraska, to Albuquerque New Mexico. We where using our big goose neck trailer to haul down all of his belongings. I remember that it was about 1 1 or 12 o'clock that night and we decided to use the drive through at a Taco Bell. I was riding with my cousin and he wasn't used to driving a goose neck trailer. We proceeded into the drive through and suddenly there was a loud scrapping noise and the pickup got jerked to a stop. Apparently the trailer was just a little bit taller than the drive through arch. So my cousin then had to back out, but since there was no room to turn around in the parking lot, he had to back out onto the highway, into the traffic. Luckily, some of the Taco Bell workers came out and helped us block traffic. A few short years later I had to start out middle school as a seventh grader. Town school was very different from country school. I didn't really know anyone so I had to start making new friends all over. I tried football my seventh grade year, but I kind of thought it was dumb and pointless. I have never really cared for sports, and I do not really find the "team" aspect very appealing. That has been my only attempt at a team sport, they just aren't my thing. These middle school years were also when my dad started having me help with the hay field work. He quickly learned that I just had bad luck with tractors, in reality I just got bored and tried to do stuff with the tractor. One time I was racking hay with an M tractor, the type with the front wheels close together. Well anyway, I was driving along, quite a bit faster than my dad liked and I hit a big bump and the front went up in to the air, but the front wheels didn't. The front wheels had became loose and snapped off somehow. The tractor skidded to a stop just as I managed to kill it, again my dad was surprised but he just laughed at it. This brings me up to my high school years. In my opinion high school is about as boring as the nine months in the womb. But then again this is when I started deer hunting with my cousin and some of his college friends. My first deer that I shot was a buck, I had to shoot him from about 150 yards, into the sun. I made the shot, and he fell. We thought I had hit him so we drove over there, but as we got closer we saw him running off, so we chased after him. We were driving along with some of us in the back of the pickup when we started to go down a blow out. My cousin was sitting on the propane fuel tank and he went flying off, but managed to roll to a stop with out hurting his rifle. We ended up chasing the deer for a little while longer, until it got tired and laid down then we had it. It ended up that my first shot had managed to break its front shoulder and the second one broke off part of its back leg. This occurred about two years ago. Now I am a junior in high school. Not much has happened since then, and so I now conclude my autobiography with the hope that I will be able to write much, much more about my existence later on in my life.