Welcome to my Guestbook!

me - 12/28/00 18:15:20

hey Jess, I found myself thinking of you today so I stopped by. I miss you and regret not telling you how much you meant to me and how much you helped me out with everything. I needed your shoulder to cry on and a bud to laugh with and you were both at once. I wish I could have told you how I felt sooner but better late than never huh? Well I love ya, and hey save me a spot close to you in heaven okay.

Brittany Beebout - 12/26/00 03:16:13
My Email:brit_j_beebout@hotmail.com

Hey Jess, We all really miss you, and you brought so many smiles! I will never forget that special day when we were branding partners, even though I was scared to death you made it fun! Thanks so much, and tell Jesus hi for me! Love you!

your friend 4 ever - 10/24/00 22:50:20

Jess, I miss you soooo much! I wish i would have said so may things that i was thinking, though i think you knew. I know you're having a great time now, and i know you'll be watching out for me. And someday I'll see ya again! Thank you for being the bi gest influence on my life, and for helping me start to become the person i want to be. I think about you everyday, constantly. Your family is helping me a lot to get through this. And i very much disagree with that comment you made about... people :) love you, and i hope things will be the same in heaven as they were here. We'll be "Friends 4 Ever" :)

Someone who loved you!! - 10/20/00 02:54:43

Jess, we miss you in such a way that it can't be put into words. You were such a great guy!! There are so many memories that I will never forget. Love you man!! See you someday- Look for me!!!

Amber Michelle - 10/08/00 15:57:12
My Email:roses4michelle@ivillage.com

Jess~I wish I could have said goodbye to you, although it would have been just as hard. I'll always think of things I wanted to say to you. Like how I'm going on the same Europe trip as you did, how excited I am, and I'll be thinking of you every second I m there. I'll never forget you, Jess, and I'll never forget that last afternoon we spent hanging out. *hugs*

Kalli Asher - 09/21/00 19:50:33
My Email:princesskitty7@hotmail.com

Hey Jess, I'm sorry that I didn't get to spend very much time with you and Cody, when you guys were up. I'm also sorry that I never really got to say good bye. I miss you and will always think of you when I'm with Cody and the guys. with love and admiration, Kalli

- 09/20/00 14:02:16

Hey Jess. We are gonna miss you terribly. There's so much we wish we could've said. Macy and Jana

Michelle Lyn Schrad - 09/20/00 03:49:54
My Email:michelyn_s@hotmail.com

Jess was a fabulous guy, for those of you who didn't know him, you missed out on a lot. He had a very unique point of view, and was a great guy to have a casual conversation with. He will be greatly mis

Daniel Dye - 07/12/00 07:46:57
My Email:skwab_dye@hotmail.com

Hey Jess! I liked your site! Especially the Europe part. I wish I had the patience and know how to make a good-looking site like yours. See ya later! -Dan

Shanna - 07/11/00 02:15:29
My Email:Neb3eagle@aol.com

You've really grown up Jess. I like your guestbook and I just want to say good luck with everything you do next year!

Jay and Jana Seger - 06/28/00 02:32:19
My Email:seger83@hotmail.com

I'm just showing my dad how to run the computer and thought I would show him your web site.

Seger - 06/27/00 19:32:16
My Email:Seger83@hotmail.com

This is a cool web site, Jess. See ya this weekend?

amy jo - 06/18/00 22:37:58
My Email:youalready@knowit.com

looks great. what all did you do to it....and what do you mean I probably don't care if you made changes to it.....of course I care...I'm a friend. bye bye and I hope I get to see you a little when I get back to ainsville.

Joel Bejot - 06/18/00 16:47:34
My Email:influx2000@yahoo.com

what up? cool new picture on the front, haven't gotten to the rest yet. oh, and by the way, you've already graduated.

haley nicole - 06/18/00 02:07:50
My Email:wafflegirl99@yahoo.com

i'm actually looking!

Jeremy Martin - 06/17/00 20:05:15
My Email:skanner79@hotmail.com

I think it is a really good page

Tarin - 06/06/00 22:15:10
My Email:tarink01@yahoo.com


cory martin - 06/06/00 16:28:38
My Email:bigrock34@hotmail.com

ya I finnaly got to come here it usually never let me open up this site!! who HO!

tim holmes - 06/06/00 15:17:00
My Email:copenhagen_cowboy01@hotmail.com

sweet, whats up jess

Y2Kay - 03/05/00 04:41:52
My Email:wirby@excite.com

Well I've only just met ya but i hope we can be internet pals till you go to the navy

Emily - 02/25/00 01:39:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/EmilyC
My Email:dizziedupgirl15@hotmail.com

Hey. Your webpage is very cool. Especially the "things you've learned" page, cuz it's all true! Don't miss Ainsworth too much when ya leave :) but i'm sure that won't be a problem. Thanks for actually talking to me. Being a freshman, people usually on't. If it's possible to make too much sense, you do. c ya later

Brianne - 01/27/00 23:39:04
My URL:http://angelfire.com/la/starzbaby/
My Email:starzbaby@gurlmail.com

Hey, You have a nice page here! That is so awesome that you got to go to Europe! Our band will never get to go on a trip like that. We are really bad!! I am from Sutherland, and I found you on icq when i was looking for people from Nebraska, and you came p, and i thought it would be nice to visit your page. I must say, its very nice!! :) Maybe we can talk sometime! See ya later!! :)

Taunia - 01/18/00 22:49:13
My Email:taummygrl_23@yahoo.com

Wow, I've finally seen your web page. ;)

Geri Jackman - 01/11/00 23:58:50
My Email:gjack12@hotmail.com

I love your "I've learned" page. There is so much truth in everything you've written on that. When do I get a Senior Picture??

amber wohnoutka - 12/26/99 20:06:40
My Email:wucks@tds.net

yo sup i am just looken around and i found this and you also gave it to me over icq ! this is ambular!

Angi Buser - 12/10/99 17:48:33
My Email:angi_buser@yahoo.com

I'm a girlfriend from Ursina Albrecht...

flurina enz - 12/10/99 13:01:11
My Email:fluenz@hotmail.com

hi jess!!! ursina gave me your webside address and I just had a quick look at it.nice job!!! wish ya a mery christmas and a happy new year. greetings from switzerland flurina

mike buss - 10/06/99 22:06:02
My Email:mistic491@aol.com


Katie Wood - 09/06/99 17:59:44
My Email:evil_rh@hotmail.com

Nice page. I liked your senior pictures. You're right, they do look better than the one on the first page. Talk to ya later!

Streak - 09/05/99 23:04:22
My Email:streak_69@hotmail.com

This is a really good site and i think u are really cute. Hey i just met u but don't change u seem like a really nice, sweet, and caring guy. love Streak

Michelle Schrad - 08/17/99 21:54:15
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/photo/michelyn_s/index.html
My Email:michelyn_s@hotmail.com

Hey Jess~ Not bad, I guess, for someone who doesn't know anything about computers!! Just kidding!

April Lemmer - 08/16/99 01:46:14
My Email:lydie@studentcenter.org

Hey, Eurpoe was awesome. Can't wait till you get all the pictures on your page. chat with ya later. bye

April Lemmer - 08/16/99 01:37:21
My Email:lydie@studentcenter.org


Ben Dover - 08/14/99 04:08:12

Um, it waas neat.. I like what you did. Thanks for the tour. And for the pizza last weekend.

Ben Dover - 08/14/99 04:06:24


Shanna Olney - 08/04/99 20:48:33
My Email:Neb3eagle@aol.com

Hey Jess! I finally had time to check out your page. You did a great job on it. i can't wait to see your Europe pics, hopefully the reunion thing will work out! Cya!

jessica - 08/04/99 00:01:18
My Email:UniqueJ@mailexcite.com

where are you from again???

lori nosbisch - 07/24/99 01:45:01
My URL:http://expage.com/page/lorimod
My Email:lnosbisch@yahoo.com

I really liked your page. I can't wait to see the pictures from Europe-I don't know how to put my Euro pix on my page yet. That trip was way too awesome for all of us not to get together again! I'm adding you to my ICQ list just to let ya know. ttyl

metha - 07/23/99 04:44:40
My Email:smetha@lycosmail.com

Hey dude. I got some email from Jessica Bejot from church camp and you page was on the bottom so I thought I would check it out. It's pretty cool. I really like it.

Jennifer Marquez - 07/21/99 02:05:23
My Email:china@scottsbluff.net

Hey Jess, Nice web page it's really neat. Laters.

Danielle Wells - 07/20/99 02:11:42
My Email:Dani_girl01@hotmail.com

Hey Jess, How have you been? Are you excited to be a senior this year? Well sorry so short. Gotta Go. w/b Danielle Wells

melanie bowers - 07/15/99 20:40:33
My Email:citrus_06@hotmail.com

jess~ like your homepage.. and you look cute in the pictures!!

Tim Holmes - 07/07/99 20:07:48
My Email:redrock43@hotmail.com

hey jess i am here yes me tiny tim, well it looks cool so i am going to look around

bigadam6 - 07/07/99 17:54:13
My URL:http://don'thaveone.com.org
My Email:bigadam6@hotmail.com

Hey dude it's me. Your website kix big, I even put it on my bookmarks. Well I have more things or this website to explore, so keep it up. BIGADAM6

Amanda Lee - 07/07/99 03:35:55
My Email:shortstuff_49@hotmail.com

Jess: It was great getting to know you. Europe was a blast! I don't know what so say. I like your web page. Maybe you could show me how to make one someday. Have fun and keep in touch, because "I want it that way." Thought you would enjoy that little phras (he, he). BYE! Amanda

haley nicole - 06/27/99 03:20:45
My Email:wafflegirl99

hey, punk! i finally got around to coming to your webpage. i ate a bunch of cherries today, but the only person i could have spit the pits at was mom. bad idea.:)

Tie Bowle - 05/29/99 00:11:42

Veronica - 05/22/99 03:42:38

Nice page and very cool pictures. Well, you're nice.

Kristin Sherwood - 05/07/99 02:15:43
My Email:ksherwood34@yahoo.com

Jess, you are the greatest, funniest, coolest, and cutest guy!! You send the greatest forwards too. Keep up the excellent work.

John Krebsbach - 04/21/99 18:35:09
My Email:jkrebsbach@cabq.gov

Yo Jess - I may have a project for you making a web page for a DNA group I am the Chairperson of. Email or call me, I will also try and call you. Later - John

kelly aka- icegirl - 04/04/99 00:40:23
My Email:icegirl@mailcity.com

well thanks for all that you have done for me and all the time you take to give the great advice that you give me when i need it with all of my problems. i wish you the best of luck in life and talk to you later.

Jill - 03/10/99 23:29:19
My Email:runner_777@yahoo.com

Hey it looks a lot better than the previous one. I wish i was smart enough to make a page but me not! later!

- 03/09/99 22:30:41


J. Davis - 03/05/99 04:15:05
My Email:davijd@gateway.net

Nice job on the web page.

Adrian - 02/18/99 14:28:40
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Blaise_6/home.html
My Email:gid_e_up@hotmail.com

Nice pic. Nice page. I told you that you were cute. And you have a great personality. Some girl will discover it, and you will find someone new. And you will forget all about the other one.

------ - 02/10/99 03:22:51

i was ok

Blaise - 02/06/99 01:59:43
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Blaise_6/home.html
My Email:gid_e_up@hotmail.com

Nice page. You are cute too. =)

Erin Spier - 01/18/99 22:26:50
My Email:e_spier@yahoo.com

Nice page, Jess. I see that you have had a lot of people sign it already.

Ashley Sutterfield - 01/18/99 01:54:17
My Email:ashley_dyan@hotmail.com

your cute.

Amber Kennemer - 01/16/99 17:55:09
My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/3843
My Email:roseaddict_15@yahoo.com

Hey there! Sweet page, I like it! Don't forget to visit mine. :-) Keep up the cool work.

Julie Crom - 01/11/99 02:22:22
My Email:crom@probe.net

That was awesome! I love Art, so I loved the backrounds! They were awesome! You sound like a very nice person! I thought the Football Entrance Exam was hilarious! Bye!!! Julie

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