- Real Name:Kal-El
- AKA:Clark Kent
- Known Relatives:Jor-El,Lara
- Group Afiliation:JLA
- Backround and Info:
Superman has many superhuman powers that he uses to uphold good.
He captures criminals, rescues people in danger, strives for justice, and has
a strong sense of morality. In short, Superman fights for Truth, Justice, and
the American Way.
Born on the planet Krypton, his parents Jor-El and Lara named him
Kal-El. However Kal never really knew his parents; for the planet was
doomed to explode, bringing all its inhabitants to a quick and tragic death.
Jor-El, knowing the future of Krypton built a small rocket and put his only son in it so that he could survive. Kal-El was launched into space on a
one way flight to Earth moments before Krypton exploded.
The rocket crash landed in Smallville, Kansas and was discovered by John and Martha Kent. They
took Kal in as their own and named him Clark. As a baby, Clark had no powers at all, but as time
pased, his body absorbed radiation from our sun and was gradually given special abilities. By the age
of 17, Clark had developed the powers of flight, super strength, x-ray vision, heat vision, and an
aura extending a centimeter around his body, making his body nearly invincible.
After accepting the fact that he was not an ordinary human, Clark decided to use his powers for the
good of mankind. He soon moved to Metropolis and got a job at the Daily Planet as a
mild mannered reporter,while at the same time defending the city from evil as Superman; a name given
to him by his fellow reporter and rival Lois Lane after rescuing a plane that almost crashed in the
streets of Metropolis. From that day on, Superman became the measure of what a true hero should be.
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