
- Given Name:John Logan
- AKA:Weapon X,Patch
- Group Membership:X-Men
- Relatives:Unknown
- Enemy: Sabretooth, Omega Red,Magneto,The Incredible Hulk,Cyber,Ogun, Lady Deathstrike, the Reavers,General Nguyen Ngoc Coy, Bloodscream, Cameron Hodge, Shadow King and anyone else who gets in his way.
- Known allies: The X-Men, X-Factor, Shadowcat, Alpha Flight, James and Heather Hudson, Tyger Tiger,Jessica Drew , Lindsey McCabe, Archie C orrigan,O'Donnell,Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, the Black Widow, Yukio,Maverick
- Currnet group membership: X-Men
- Backround:
Wolverine is a Canadian mutant with animal enstints which he continuasly fights to overcome.Little is Known about his past,but in issue#25,there is a story about a boy named Logan who is kicked out of an Indian tribe because he is week.After that,he was found by a group of wolverines ,which he befrinded.He adopted his animal instints from them and retained the ability to reason like a man.If this is true,he would have to be over a thousand yrs. old. His healing factor retards his aging process,so this could be true.Logan is familiar with and experienced in virtuall every fighting style on Earth ,making him one of the most powerful mutants there is.He even sliced through the Silver Surfer's protective covering in an issue of What If.Of cource,this was while he still had his adamantium,which was latter ripped out through his skin by Magneto.Even without the adamantioum,he remains a force to be reconed with.
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