Enter my beautiful site? Visit the master artist Jonathon Bowser, I love his work!! My Fushigi Yuugi Shrine... Read my novel? This is where I got the border from

         I am starting to move files around. I have many files and links so if you find a broken link please let me know. This will occur over an extended period of time, please be patient.
         Well, I have an image map! Yeah!!! Finally... I still need to fix a few things on the image though... Yeah, like that is going to happen any time soon... Oh well, so be it...
        A thousand greetings to you. Welcome to my humble abode, here you will find many things. For those of you who are unable to handle frames click here to go on to my frame free page! (NOTE: if you go to my frames page and find that leaving through one of my links does not work please let me know so I can fix it) For those of you who might have tried this earlier my sincere apologies, I have corrected things and you now can get to my frameless page by clicking on the mokona image, and if you wish to go to the U. of Lethbridge Anime club page click on the witch, or here...
A note before you enter, do not enter if you are offended by or do not wish to see nudity(I don't mean pornography!!). Thank you for your time.

Chat with me sometime...

* For those of you who do not know what M.K. of R. stands for it means "Magic Knights of
Rayearth" which is a Japanese Cartoon or anime.

Well here come my links, internal than external. ^_-

Index| Home| Shrine| Letter| Prolog| Chap1| Chap2| Chap3| Chap4| Chap5| Chap6| Chap7| Chap8

Send a Spirit Flower!
Okay, I have some new Links...(Now I cannot lose them....)
A Friends cool Sailor Mars Page...
Society of Celtic Shamans
Makoto's page The world domination plans of a friend.....!¿
Really Useful Companies home page
U of L's Anime club ^_^

If you wish to link to my page using an image I have the following images.

I am sure that you have noticed the difference between the two, the top is animated the bottom is not.

White Ribbon Campaign
Raising Awareness about Gay-Teen Suicide
And remembering those who we've lost
[ Mirror Site ]
Save the Dragons Campaign
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is owned by Terran, knight of Merr.

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Last revision December 20th, '99.

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