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Welcome to the USS Mark Lee Home Page

The USS Mark Lee is a private organization existing to give its members an opportunity to gather periodically to socialize, discuss Science Fiction, and to have a good time with other Science Fiction fans.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please feel free to contact a current officer listed on the crew page, or come and join us at our next meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.

USS Mark Lee NCC-2197

Next Meeting

Away Mission on the Sandbar.

Location:The Black River

Treats:Sack lunch.

Entertainment:Canoe trip down the Black River. This away mission will take place on June 28, 2003. Members are asked to meet at Starbase Bjerke-Kroll at 11:30am or at the RiverView Inn at 12:00pm. Cost is $15.00per person or $30.00 per canoe. Life Support (lifejackets) will be provided. The away mission is expected to take approximately 3 hours plus time spent eating and fooling around. Please contact Sue if you want to participate so that the right number of canoes can be rented.

What's New

Possible future away missions with upcoming movies for the holiday season.

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