Patty Qpid

Patty is a Dathomir native. But much to her regret she was not raised on her homeworld. In fact it wasn't until recently that she found out about her true heritage.

Patty's mother, Samameak Chi, was one of those rare Witches filled with wanderlust who left the loving comfort of Dathomir in order to explore the galaxy. Samameak quickly tired of her adventures but on her return to Dathomir found that her Clan would not allow her to take her rightful place in the Clan.

Her entire world in ruins at her feet, Samameak fled Dathomir. She made her way from planet to planet looking for a new home, doing odd jobs to pay for transport. On Edan II, she met a Lt. in the Rebel Alliance, Athos Q.Buvchou. The two fell in love and quickly married.

As the years passed, Athos rose in the NR to become a highly respected and rather wealthy and influencial individual. The two also had a daughter, Patty Qpid Buvchou. Athos moved his family to New Alderaan and into a rather opulent Estate. As Patty grew up she wanted for nothing. She had the finest clothes to wear, the finest teachers and tutors. She lived the life of minor royalty, the daughter of Senator Buvchou.

Then tragedy struck. One morning the staff found Athos missing. Patty's mother fell apart and became deathly ill. On her death bed, Samameak finally told her daughter of their true heritage, with the exception of the Clan name. Outraged that her mother had hidden the truth from her for so many years, Patty fled the house and did not return for three days. When she finally did return she found her mother dead. Mortified with what she had done, Patty fled New Alderaan and made her way to Edan II. Once there she came to a decision. As the only living Buvchou she had all the family's assests transfered to a local bank, sold off the Estate on New Alderaan and bought a Manor in Calyopia, the Capitol of Minos. To hide and perhaps to forget the past she dropped her last name.

Patty's greatest goal, besides forgiving herself for her mother's death is to one day journey to Dathomir and learn about her heritage, her past, and where she fits in.

Some moths ago Patty was stopped by a Crimson Moon VSD as she attempted to land her ship on Minos. After being taken back to Edan II and interogated she was given her freedom and stayed a few days getting to know how Crimson Moon operates. After a meeting with Warlord Ringoson Patty joined the ranks of Crimson Moon and now serves in the military branch of the organization.

Patty has taken an extended leave from Crimson Moon and has finally traveled to Dathomir to see this world that she feels somehow connected to.

Patty's ship the "Shadow's Touch".

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