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A celebration
in honor of the men
who quicken the pulse
each time they appear on
Xena: Warrior Princess

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Here's winkin' at you! Aaah, Ares...the baddest of bad boys. Isn't he absolutely delicious? I know I am not the only woman of the opinion that actor Kevin Smith is HOT HOT HOT!!! He's tanned, dark, muscled, leather-clad with a wildly sexy snarl. No matter how naughty, Ares is just irresistible. I'd love to see a very steamy re-kindling between Ares and Xena. We all know it would just be temporary
(of course, because Xena would naturally come to her senses), but it sure would spice things up a bit! They could keep it going for a few episodes! Or perhaps Gabrielle could be tempted by his bad-boy charms somehow, much to Xena's horror.

Talk about a rift! Ooooh, baby!
Ares and Gabrielle

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(Yes, Joxer!)

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