Welcome to my Guestbook! I thank you for taking the time to sign here

Marcia - 11/25/00 04:55:52
My URL:http://www.wosib.faithweb.com
what you liked best about my site: all
favourite fantasy animal?: unicorns

You are cordially invited to join Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty! We are an online organization for women of all kinds, to come together, to live, laugh and learn. I think you and your lovely site would be a wonderful addition! We'd love for you to join us! If you're not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our awards program, free graphic sets and much more!

allusion - 06/29/00 00:53:15
My URL:http://sacredrealms.cjb.net
My Email:allusion
favourite fantasy animal?: Dragons
You have a wonderfully made site. Please come by and visit my site sometime. I would also like to invite you to join the Legends Of Fantasy webring. ~allusion

Skyfox - 06/16/00 12:50:41
My URL:/skyfox42
My Email:skyfox42@yahoo.com
what you liked best about my site: the fantasy stuff
favourite fantasy animal?: Dragons of course !?!
Cool page ! Go on with it ! Greetings, Skyfox

an old friend - 12/27/99 06:22:46
wishing you a merry christmas (if not in the belief, then in the festive mood), a happy birthday, and a happy new year. signed, .... you know who, and you know better. get back in touch.

Mira - 10/29/99 17:46:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/alisa
My Email:princessmira@hotmail.com
what you liked best about my site: The dragon pics., banners, most of it.
what you think needs some work: Got me...
favourite fantasy animal?: I would have to say Dragon.
You have a very well constructed page here. I liked it tremendously...keep up the good work... *s*

Vega - 10/22/99 03:10:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Aurora/6457/
My Email:gryphonic@hotmail.com
what you liked best about my site: the pictures
what you think needs some work: Maybe a few more things would be nice! =)
favourite fantasy animal?: Gryphon!
Great work here, it looks good. Hope to see more soon, keep up the good work! =)

Gheldar Blackthorn - 10/20/99 15:04:43
My Email:Legends_quest99@yahoo.com
what you liked best about my site: the pics
favourite fantasy animal?: dragons

Drakaina - 10/06/99 00:20:19
My URL:http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dracolov/
My Email:drakaina_akt@hotmail.com
what you liked best about my site: images
what you think needs some work: background information
favourite fantasy animal?: Dragons
I know the file anihunt.gif (knight and dragon) can be found on the alt.fan.dragons free images page. From there, you may find the author's name.

Jikanta - 07/08/99 20:25:14
My Email:jikanta@ksni.net
what you liked best about my site: Cool Pics
Cool page, I like all the pics and good links.

TRINITY - 07/07/99 14:52:56
what you liked best about my site: THE DRAGONS ARE GREAT
what you think needs some work: NEED A FAIRY PAGE
favourite fantasy animal?: ELVES

Acidea Gaerno - 06/19/99 15:38:05
My Email:lilacacid1313@yahoo.com
what you liked best about my site: everything
what you think needs some work: no
favourite fantasy animal?: dragon
kick ass page, see ya at rag!!!

Pryderi the Smith - 05/19/99 15:50:29
My Email:pryderithesmith@hotmail.com
favourite fantasy animal?: Dragon
If you do not remember who the hell pryderi is, it is me GOD... Oops, i mean Greg

Belita - 04/14/99 00:29:52
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/a-flamingo
My Email:a-flamingo@gurlmail.com
what you liked best about my site: I liked your mystical theme here. I like your unicorns
what you think needs some work: cool, keep it up, keep on adding content!
favourite fantasy animal?: unicorns
I like your site, it's great! I like the layout of your first page.

Nighthawk - 03/08/99 06:46:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/1891
My Email:dillenrc@iname.com

Pretty cool website

Why don't you check out In the Mist of Avalon.

Noble Lady Dragonsbane - 01/31/99 16:47:59
My URL:http://www2.11net.com/crusades/horsemen/horsmain.html
My Email:lady_dragonsbane@yahoo.com
what you liked best about my site: All of it!
what you think needs some work: More of the same!
favourite fantasy animal?: Dragon

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Greetings, Fair Friend!

Lord Rider hath invited thee to join
The Temple of the Royal Horsemen
At The Crusades!

This is a new Web site competition,
and sign-up has just started.
This new adventure promises to be fun and exciting,
with lots of beautiful awards to be won, friendly people to meet,
and terrific sites to visit!

Will thy Web site be one of them?

Come, see what Lord Rider hath wrought!
Visit The Temple of the Royal Horsemen
at TheCrusades!

Be one of the first to join the Royal Horsemen!
Join the ride to Victory!

Thy humble servant,

Noble Lady Dragonsbane
Temple of the Royal Horsemen
At The Crusades

Afterworld - 12/29/98 08:01:04
My URL:http://gajijfflekkerheel.verweg.com/
My Email:r00t__beer@hotmail.com
what you liked best about my site: Artwork
what you think needs some work: The personal dept.
favourite fantasy animal?: Demon
It's about time you showed up in the land of the living! *hugz* Good to see you.

Travis - 12/29/98 07:34:17
My Email:none
what you liked best about my site: that I helped
what you think needs some work: my help
favourite fantasy animal?: I like them all
Happy Birthday!

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