Absolute Carnage |
Absolute Carnage is a heavily modified Circlemud 3.0. We offer classic AD&D races and classes, with a non-inflated style that most MUDs don't have these days. Players can choose to advance in three classes up to level 30 in each. A great deal of the best equipment in the game is limited such that only a small number of the best players can have it. We are currently implementing random item code, which will generate random items with random effects which will be the most commonly held equipment in the game. We offer PK with restrictions for below 20th level and non-restricted above 19th level.HOT LINKS related to Absolute Carnage.
Hits since 4/13/98 |
Stories and Legends |
UPDATE !!! We are currently hiring builders and are looking for play testers. If you have any zones you want to submit, mail them to me. |
Quest Information on Future Quests |
Original Player Submissions |
Players' Ideas |
Players' Ideas |
¤In his Avatar form Steel appears as an Arch-Lich.¤ |
This Page is maintained by Steel. |
Official Homepage |