Len - 09/07/99 21:41:10
My URL:http://myfavoritemartian.freeservers.com
My Email:len@escape.ca
Hi Hobbit..
Was wondering have you heard from Jeff lately... his email box always seems to be full these past couple of months. Thanks for your help.. Len
Mary (auntmemmie) - 08/23/99 03:56:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Queens_Six/index.html
My Email:lil-typomonster@webtv.net
hobbies: painting
favorite author: depends on my mood
favorite chat room: scifi/fan
pets: alergic
city/state or country: usa
favorite music: Opera to oprey
I realy liked the site and will come back to continue reading your work
Rita - 08/19/99 18:03:06
My Email:screamincheta@webtv.net
hobbies: kids, soaps and my web
favorite author: erich segal
favorite chat room: ChattingPals
pets: none
city/state or country: USA, connecticut
favorite music: country and 80's
love your page.... escepically GILLIGAN!!!! love ya Rita ..ps great family pics,,, am gonna look more ((((((((((HUGS)))))
frodo baggens - 08/14/99 01:31:48
My Email:n64link@webtv.net
hobbies: reading the hobbit watching startreak
favorite author: j.r.r tolkin
favorite chat room: pokemon,anime and the shire
pets: 3 dogs 2 hamsters
city/state or country: tampa
favorite music: mellow
a very nice page do you suppose we can chat sometime?
Robert & Donna Tosspon Jr. - 08/02/99 03:09:10
My Email:daddyt@lcc.net
hobbies: Woodworking, Reading
author: Tom Clancy
pets: one ugly cat
city/state or country: Conroe/Tx
music: oldies
Sarah - 07/25/99 04:36:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/swank
My Email:AngstChick@StarTrekMail.com
hobbies: biking, pretending I know what I'm doing with computers, lazing about, swimming, being me.
author: Stephen King
favorite chat
room: Outpost!
pets: Hmm...quaker parakeet, goose, turkies, ducks, collie, maine coon, crabs, betas, cockatiel, cockatoo and my little sister, Beverly.
city/state or country: On Wisconsin!
music: Ska/Swing
Wonderful page! I hope I can aspire to make one as lovely as yours :) Your buddy,
AngstChick aka Sarah aka "Lacy"
William Babcock - 07/22/99 23:23:16
My URL:http://home.att.net/~wa4lrm/
My Email:wa4lrm@att.net
hobbies: Amateur Radio
favorite chat
room: Sci fi
pets: Don't have one only live in apartments
city/state or country: San Diego, CA
music: oldies, classical & new age
Great web site, enjoy your chat
Shelli - 07/20/99 15:08:44
My Email:TOONCIE@webtv.net
hobbies: webtv(duh), reading, music,spending time w/ friends & family,movies,x-files,cooking,sewing,writing...just naming a few!
favorite author: V.C. Andrews, Clive Barker
favorite chat room: any room w/ good people & good chat!
pets: Tooncie & Sassy(cats) Toby(ferret) Birdie(bird)
city/state or country: Mass.
favorite music: Tori Amos & any alternative
hi hobbit! great page, love the music! cool pics!
thanks for send me the page, keep up the good work!!!
TCCSunRiser aka Daniel - 06/27/99 15:10:32
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SweetheartLn/sunriser/index.html
My Email:TCCSunRiser@hosts.talkcity.com
hobbies: Fishing, Swimming, Socializing, Mechanics, Woodwork, Creation and Designing
author: Stephen Speilburg
favorite chat
room: #Computer-Programming
pets: None
city/state or country: Australia
music: All Sorts
Firstup Nice Page and keep up the great work and thanx for visiting my site and please come again. Have you taken the time yet to listen to some of my very own music that I have created that people are admiring very much??
Ryan - 06/04/99 18:30:08
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Doc4Good/
My Email:???????@?????.???
hobbies: drawing
favorite chat room: movie
pets: parrot
city/state or country: IN
favorite music: Mettallica
Marsaun Coleman - 06/02/99 20:51:43
My Email:two2mch4u
hobbies: computers
author: R .L. Stine
favorite chat
room: duuuude2
pets: dogs
city/state or country: Las Vegas NV
music: rap-r/b
Hi, cool website...I like the cat! Poems are really on hit! My friend Donna hooked me on to your site......COOL
Marsaun M. Coleman
Donna Parker - 05/28/99 18:35:44
My Email:hunidypt@aol.com
hobbies: cooking, singing, watching basketball,movies,comedy, video poker, talking, chatting....most anything
favorite author: I don't read much
favorite chat room: over thirties
pets: blk lab, red pomeranian
city/state or country: Las Vegas, NV
favorite music: old R/B
Hey Denise! how are ya!......nice website girl!!! Lot's of good stuff!! I finally got a chance to see it. Good lookin family too! wild and very brave daughter....SKYDIVING!!!!! I'm way too chicken for that!!! :-)...... OK girl, you have my Email addr
sses so please feel free to Email me....also, I have aol instant messenger...my name is honybiscit and I have many other names in most every chat room on the web, if you like chatting Email me ans tell me where you like to chat and your name, I will look
or you when I am on..........May the creator bless, and forever keep you strong!!!!!! :-)
Donna Parker
- 05/22/99 15:11:13
stu - 05/13/99 09:49:26
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/BlabWay/stux/
My Email:stux@ihug.co.nz
hobbies: chatting, snowboarding, beer, women, fun, life
author: alan duff writer of once were warriors...great nz literature
favorite chat
room: citydownunder on talkcity then #NSD on dalnet
pets: none...altho i hear heavy pets are the best kind ;)
city/state or country: christchurch new zealand
music: 3eb, anything with guitarsm creed are kewl, also beats and blues and relaxing grooves
kewl page hobbs-ster. see ya round the chats again sometime!! heavens to murgatroyd!! keep smiling and stay happy ok! :)
Aunty - 05/09/99 10:55:56
My URL:/Area51/Labyrinth/2169
My Email:aunty750@hotmail.com
hobbies: dragons, hobbits, reading, preserving the rune language!
author: There are so many!!
favorite chat
room: Hmm...looking for a new one.
pets: Last one went mad...maybe it's the ghost here....
city/state or country: Australia
music: ???anything!!
Looking for a Middle Earth themed RP chat....any ideas?
Raymond - 04/30/99 18:49:13
You two share a guest book??!!! How the hang does that work? Never mind, now I know I only have to leave a message in one place for both of you to get it. noseeum
Raymond - 04/30/99 18:44:39
My URL:/Area51/Nova/4677
My Email:Raxon@webtv.net
Well it isn't exactly fnished yet but since it was yours' and Hobbits' suggestion that I get a web page I figure you should get the first peek, so go sign my guestbook and tell me what you think. Advice is appreaciated. noseeum
Raymond - 04/30/99 18:30:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nova/4677
My Email:Raxon@webtv.net
Well it isn't exactly finished yet but since it was yours' and Altras' suggestion that I get a web page, I figure you two should get first peek, so go sign my guestbook and tell me what you think. Advice is appreaciated. noseeum
Dallas Visser - 04/27/99 01:54:14
My Email:babygirl888.webtv.net
hobbies: phone,music
favorite author: cynthia rylant
favorite chat room: PLAYLAND
pets: cats,snakes
city/state or country: las vegas
favorite music: rap
hi-how do you know the ccryders
Todd - 04/11/99 15:37:36
My Email:Fizzban1@webtv.net
hobbies: hunting, fishing, pool
favorite author: Jean Rabe
favorite chat room: Genealogy
pets: a black lab (shadow)
city/state or country: Illinois
favorite music: Rock
Hi Hobbs, nice page, you did a fine job.
CCRYDER11 - 04/04/99 16:52:32
hobbies: FOOTBALL
favorite chat room: 10-12
pets: CAT
city/state or country: LAS VEGAS
favorite music: ROCK
Kefly - 03/29/99 04:11:09
My Email:Kefly@webtv.net
hobbies: Reading
favorite author: JD Sallinger
favorite chat room: Chattingpals
pets: Dog--Bingo
city/state or country: MI
favorite music: 70s&80s
Hobbit---Nice page!!!! It was nice to see the pics!!! See you in Pals soon I hope!!! Your pal--Kefly
Lethal (Nathan) - 03/28/99 20:20:06
My Email:oneniner@baseballmail.com
hobbies: sports, all kinds
author: Robert Ludlum
favorite chat
room: #ChattingPals
pets: several stupid cats
city/state or country: Missouri
music: rap
Cool page Hobbit, I enjoyed the pics.
Alonzo (trashguy) - 03/20/99 19:41:19
My Email:afloydbranson@hotmail.com
hello, dear heart! (looks over shoulder for Altra...) Just signing in to say hello, and hope things are going well for you! Hope to chat with you again sometime!
Raymond McIntosh - 03/12/99 06:44:34
My Email:Raxon@webtv.net
hobbies: reading and chatting
favorite author: Anne McCaffer
favorite chat room: Outpost
pets: Dog - Misha
city/state or country: Piercefield, NY
favorite music: Country
Hi Don, It's me noseeum. Now you and Hobbit are among the few who can see me. :^)
Raymond McIntosh - 03/12/99 06:38:16
My Email:Raxon@webtv.net
hobbies: reading and chatting
favorite author: Anne McCaffery
favorite chat room: Outpost
pets: Dog - Misha
city/state or country: Piercefield, NY
favorite music: Country
Hi Hobbit, It's me noseeum. Now you are one of the few who can see me. :^)
*•.•*Leyla*•.•* - 03/06/99 12:11:23
My URL:http://home.TalkCity.com/HollywoodBlvd/Tonic___
My Email:Tonic___@webtv.net
hobbies: Cheerleading, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Softball, Gymnastics, Dancing, Snowboarding, Skating.. X~Treme Sports.. =)
favorite author: uhm... Dr Suess? =)
favorite chat room: Outpost is kewl if people r there.. then again I cant complain about chatting to myself... j/k! =)
pets: Stupid Annoying Guard Dogs, Tropical Bird that Rocks, Salt~Water Fishies, Chameleon, Baby Snake, Baby Turtle
city/state or country: Columbus Ohio in the USA
favorite music: Alternative for the most part.. But I can listen to anything.. I like the kind thatu can`t classify too.. But all music is great and I respect it all =)
Hooobbbbssssiiiieeeee!!! =) I haven`t signed this thing in... like a year hehe .. ok closer to like... half a year.. o~well! =) I looked at your hall of fame again .. man it brought back memories *sniff* hehe I miss everyone.. 1st we get kicked out of Out
ost then Move from Chatpost then something happens to TheCastaways .. I wont even jinx Round4 hehe but dang.. we`ve had hecha rooms.. we should make a room like.. #TalkCitySurvivors hehe.. but on a serious note your page is lookin pretty peachey =) u have
lotsa and lotsa and lotsa pages.. I have like... ½ of 1 :D hehe just goes to sow that.. well that I`m lazy I guess =) Man I love signing these guestbooks =) I like to write alot too and see how many people read them.. not many I guess but I`ll never know
D Ok I`m shutting up now .. hey is that a sigh of relief that I heard?! *CaUtIoUs LoOk* hehe j/k =) well see ya in the City somewhere.. whatever room we drift too =)
~Leyla aka Tonic___ aka iloveMase aka iloveMase15 aka oh 4get it I have too many nicknames =)
laura - 02/21/99 16:26:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/thetropics/island/8095
My Email:marina-2000@webtv.net
hobbies: cooking chatting
favorite author: tooo many
favorite chat room: round4
pets: kitty named whiskers
city/state or country: calif
favorite music: all
YOUR DAUGHTER IS CRAZY!!! LOL....But more power to her...i could never do that!! Skydiving just isnt my cup of tea...jose is...LOL love ya denise!
andrew leblanc - 02/21/99 06:09:33
My Email:javasnort@webtv.net
hobbies: flyfishing scifi
favorite author: clancy,clavell
favorite chat room: outpost
pets: cats
city/state or country: corpus christi tx
favorite music: rock
cool page hobbie
Jessi - 02/19/99 23:55:27
My Email:kwjung@t-online.de
hobbies: painting, travelling
author: Anne McCaffrey
favorite chat
room: a german one -not very interesting for you, I guess..
pets: a dog, Apollo
city/state or country: Zweibrücken, Germany
music: alternative & some type of rap
Pretty nice site, looks good. I really enjoyed watching it. Keep smiling!!
Jason Aka Wicked^Demon - 02/07/99 07:38:57
My Email:KennyKiller@prodigy.net
hobbies: Vampire The Masqurade Were Wolf Live Action RPG Video Games AD&D Music Art
author: Ann Rice My Godess
favorite chat
room: Any one that will let my pounce
pets: 1 kitty Wisper
city/state or country: CA
music: Bad Religion and Goth stuff
Put my pic up if you want if you dont scare people LOL if you want i will get a normal every day pic of me for ya Well nice page **huggles your Family**
Lizzy - 01/12/99 03:26:26
My Email:Brainy_girl@webtv.net
hobbies: swimming
favorite author: R.L.Stine
pets: Cats
city/state or country: U.S.A.
favorite music: Spice Girls
Hi!!I only like R.L.Stine books from fear street!!HI NANA!!!!Bye!
Barek - 12/17/98 20:21:25
My Email:Barek@webtv.net
hobbies: hunting (Dragons hehe), fishing, reading
favorite author: many
favorite chat room: genealogy
pets: 1 Black lab, fish (African Cichlids)
city/state or country: Illinois
favorite music: ROCK
great site Netta, it must have taken you forever.
Todd - 12/17/98 20:13:42
My Email:Barek@webt.net
hobbies: hunting, fishing, the net and pool
favorite author: n/a, I read anything I can get y hands on
favorite chat room: genealogy
pets: 1 black lab,fish (african cichlids)
city/state or country: Illinois
favorite music: ROCK
cool site HOBBS.
Julianne - 12/14/98 00:32:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/4680
My Email:jillysmile247@hotmail.com
hobbies: singing dancing
pets: 2 cats
city/state or country: PA USA
music: rap, r&b
Great page! Keep up the great work!
sempy - 12/13/98 00:40:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SeperFiTJ/indextj.html
My Email:semperfitj@webtv.net
hobbies: art/screenwriting/fishing/guitar/songwriting
favorite author: r.a.salvatore
favorite chat room: thecastaways and sempyscafe of course
pets: 2 cats-nemo and valkyrie/ parakeet-merlin/ goldfish-spock
city/state or country: rossville ga,
favorite music: dan fogelberg
nice website,,i figured i visited, least i could do was sign da book huh,,see ya soon er friend, sempy
Ladytara /Cinzy /LaceTCC - 12/11/98 18:27:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Cinzy/Cinzys-homepage.html
My Email:Laytara@webtv.net
hobbies: spending time with my son...chatting...many many more
favorite author: to many
favorite chat room: Nutzo and thecastaways
pets: a pittbull(bruser) a cat(Tangerine) and 1 kid(Jayjr)
city/state or country: Ft Lauderdale Fla
favorite music: Metal
Hiya Gal...i thought i would drop in and see how you are doing..are you hosting yet?¿ if so where so i can drop in to see ya..email me with your times gal..i wanna see ya in action LOL..Your page looks great!!! keep up the good work..Your friend Lacey / C
Alucard_Dracula - 12/05/98 09:52:28
My URL:http://home.talckcity.com/GalleryDr/alucard_dracula/index.html
My Email:topnotchb29@hotmail.com
hobbies: art, reading, poetry, philosophy, etc.
author: James O'Barr
favorite chat
room: TheCastaways
pets: I wish I had some...=o(
city/state or country: Puerto Rico
music: Rock'N Roll
Dear Hobbit:
This is an awesome homepage, good job. I'm not upset that you didn't mention me as one of your friends...=o( heh heh. You and Altra_ make a cute couple, good luck. Although, you don't need luck when love is in control. We've known eachother since the
utpost and yet here we are almost 2 years later. Gosh 2 years is a lot of time...
Well, I did enjoy my visit to your homepage. It was nice to see the faces of all the people that I've been chatting with for all this time. I'll see you around...
P.S. Say hello to tygrress for me, I never see her online anymore. Your little wildchild...heh heh.
Nexus2 - 12/02/98 11:16:09
My URL:http://web.one.net.au/~annarrow/academy.html
My Email:robarrow@bigpond.com
hobbies: Electronics/Astronomy/Ham Radio/Computers/Writing SciFi-Fantasy
favorite author: David Eddings
favorite chat room: Talkcity/#Outpost (of course)
pets: Kaz (my georgeous Shepard-Labrador cross)
city/state or country: Melbourne Australia
favorite music: All Pink Floyd Music :)
Of all the StarBases in all the Galaxy she had to walk into mine.
We only have one life - so make it a good one.
Space - The final frontier.
James Brokenshire - 11/29/98 17:08:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Skyblade_2/index.html
My Email:Skyblade@webtv.net
hobbies: Like Star Trek, comic books, riding my motorcycle,and anything that deals with fantasy
favorite author: Raymond E. Feist
favorite chat room: SilverMoonKeep
pets: Hamster named Luke
city/state or country: Wilkes-Barre,PA
favorite music: country and rock
I like the web page and your IRC chat room
Akshay alias _aXeMaN_ - 11/23/98 12:58:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Outpostians/index.htm
My Email:axeman@pemail.net
hobbies: Reading, chatting, surfing, building intercontinental ballistic missiles...the usual..
author: Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov
favorite chat
room: used to be Outpost .. now its Thecastaways
pets: 1 very big dog who takes me for a walk instead of the other way round
city/state or country: Bombay
music: Heavy Metal / Rock
cool page hobbs!!
/me was never good at speeches otr comments ...so ..er.. umm .. lol bye
Robyn - 11/22/98 16:21:00
My URL:http://RJWoodard@webtv.net
My Email:RJ
hobbies: reading, waterskiing, spending time with my 5 kiddies!
favorite author: all of em
favorite chat room: geneology and The REdbook
pets: 3-Rott/Labs Sam Missy and Angel Wottles!
city/state or country: Kissimee pronounced Kissem- me
favorite music: Yanni, Elton, Queen, Stones and basically the 70's and 80's era!
I enjoyed your pages!Someday hope to have one that you can visit and enjoy.. I am new at al this and everything I get into I find something else that I like!HeHe hope to get to know ya better I am looking forward to it. I am 36, happily married have 5 bea
tiful children 11, 9, 7, 5. and 2 1/2.
I live in fl. have for 24 years origiatted from southern calif
bye, robyn
crow - 11/22/98 07:12:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/Andy316
My Email:crow@andys-place.freeserve.co.uk
hobbies: jodu and doing discos
author: none
favorite chat
room: TT3
pets: 2 cats 1 dog
city/state or country: England
music: rock
hellloooo how are you i am fine hope to speak to you soon
Courtney Vickery aka Dragonfly - 11/22/98 05:07:24
My Email:courtneyl.vickery@mailexcite.com
hobbies: reading,drinking,going to shows photography...did I mention drinking?
author: Sebastion Japrisot,Irvine Welsh
favorite chat
room: hmmm..thecastaways,perhaps?
pets: 5 cats,2 dogs:Murphy,Amanda,Asparagus,Sneaker,JJ,Dilbert and Randy
city/state or country: Asheville,NC
music: PHISH.Spiritulized.Rusted Root.Grateful Dead.Jazz,reggae,blues,folk,bluegrass
Hey nisey!Thanks for putting my pic on..I feel so special now!Take care and stay sweet...thank god we've still got leftovers from outpost!
ED - 11/21/98 23:19:05
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/bleacherst/ed121
My Email:edone2one
city/state or country: pittsburgh, pa
HI .... Just stop by for my bud pat.... cool home you have... love all the pictures... it's nice to see face with the words huh... take care ..ok
Mary - 11/21/98 00:47:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/2500
My Email:markid@intermediatn.net
hobbies: reading, music
author: J.R.R. Tolkien
pets: two dogs
city/state or country: Tennessee
music: various
Ravin - 11/20/98 22:02:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/Ravin/idex.html
My Email:ravinstar1@webtv.net
hobbies: Work - work - work
favorite author: Stephen Donaldson
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: Cat - ( spirit )
city/state or country: Alpne , California
favorite music: Progresive rock - Rush
Thanks again for adding our pictures to your web - site hobbs. I am having somebody stop by to look at all the pictures. Did you ever get a pic of Amydog yet ? Also Marina-2000 new pic look funny.
Just don't tell her that I said that ..LOL Sorry laura...Just teasing you. Well...Later Hobbs.
PuPPeT - 11/10/98 16:11:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Fear_Me/ZUHIRC.html
My Email:Perseus76@webtv.net
hobbies: Magic, Greek Mythology, Chat, Paintball, toy collecting, HTML and JS, Japanamation(I know cant really be hobby..but I enjoy watching it)
favorite author: Author/Poet William Blake amd Milton
favorite chat room: magicpalace on ZUH net (my room) Biased maybe
pets: none
city/state or country: Covington GA (where 'In the Heat of the Night" was filmed..and no it was not Sparta miss.)
favorite music: Enya, Robert Miles, Enigma, DJ Shadow, DJ Spookie, DJ ICEE, Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, Floyd, classical, JEWEL (woo hoo), List goes on..and I am sorry that i could not just pick one!!
Well I'm a22 yr old Kid with way to much time on my hands..I Found your page through links from another Guest Book (Mrs.SQUEE) i think.. "Thinking iz knowledge..knowledge iz Power..Power iz Dangerous..i am not allowed to play with Dangerous things so ther
for I do not think." hehehe..I wish ya the best..G'day to ya..and ppl try out my IRC plzzzzzzzzz...I worked my azz off on it since March..I think it'z pretty good..hehe..Mike "puppet" ta ta
Jill - 11/08/98 19:09:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/4890
My Email:Dragonetta@webtv.net
hobbies: Reading-DragonLance, and Forgotten Realms, collecting dragons and other fantasy stuff, working out at the gym, drawing, cross stitching, chrocheting, and oh
es, CHATTING!!!!!
favorite chat room: Genealogy
pets: Dog-Aries
city/state or country: Ca
favorite music: Classic Rock/Classical
I really enjoyed visiting your page hobbit, you did a great job on it. I love your irc too. Hope to see you around, and good luck!!! Jill (aka, Netta)
Wendy_3 - 11/07/98 07:42:46
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/LOLWay/wendy_3/index.html
My Email:w_3home@yahoo
hobbies: painting,reading,chatting
author: hmmm I have a lot of them..lol
favorite chat
room: lesbainlounge
pets: dogs cats...eveything..lol..I live on a farm
city/state or country: Pennsylvania
music: rock
great homepage..I have every book Anne
McCaffrey ever wrote..I'm going to be a dragon rider when I grow up..lol, J.R.Tolkien's The Hobbit was the first book I ever read cover to cover,(I was in 5th grade..lol) Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mercedes Lackey are 2 more of my favorites.
LEE - 11/05/98 00:10:19
My Email:ALM_@webtv.net
hobbies: sportscard collecting
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: siamese cat..her name is baby
city/state or country: Indiana
favorite music: classic rock
Hi Hobbs,pretty cool home page you got here. Good job. Lee
Sean - 10/29/98 10:36:25
My Email:Seminole_Wynd@webtv.net
hobbies: nascar racing...webbing...and messing w/ puters
favorite author: John Grisham, Stephen King
favorite chat room: TheCastaways
pets: 3--me, myself and I
city/state or country: Tx
favorite music: Rock/Alternative
Hey Hobbie....good page...like the Gilligan's Island thing you have going. Thanks for the Scooby music on the page that my pic is on....Kudos for you girl. Thanks for everything.
jamison - 10/27/98 14:32:40
My Email:jjhall@webtv.net
hobbies: just about anything
favorite author: clancy, rice
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: black lab
city/state or country: cleveland, ohio
favorite music: alt
i couldnt get into your irc...i must have done something wrong. i got your home page
Paula - 10/25/98 11:52:35
My Email:Amethyst-Angel@webtv.net
hobbies: reading,chatting, listening to my music while l chat!!!
favorite author: John Saul, Stephen King, Gloria Murphy and Mary Higgins Clark
favorite chat room: genealogy & thecastaways
pets: 2 cocker spaniels, 1 rottie, 2 cats and 2 birds
city/state or country: Fl.
favorite music: alternative/rock-n-roll
cool page nisey....l really enjoyed looking thru the pics of all your friends....and enjoyed reading some of your poems too.......as soon as l get my homepage done l'll send you the addy and you can check mine out....ok? see ya around sometime!!! love ya!
aBULLDOG - 10/25/98 09:16:59
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ArenaBlvd/aBULLDOG
My Email:hellskennel@angelfire.com
hobbies: Music, Animals, Martial Arts, chatting on Line
author: MAD
favorite chat
room: Chatting Pals, New2internet, New2talkcity
pets: 2 German Shepherds, Abby, 4trs, and Ducati, 8mths
city/state or country: Blenheim, NEW ZEALAND
music: All except rap, and especially Metal
Very cool page hun. Heaps to read and look at. And thanx for signing my book, hope to see ya soon...Bulldog
Christopher Conover - 10/25/98 07:38:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/Born2conu
My Email:Born2conu@aol.com
city/state or country: Downey, CA
You visited my page so I thought I would visit your. Very cute. Keep it up! Thanks, Christopher
Yorkie - 10/24/98 22:06:54
My Email:max@vci.net
hobbies: Cart
favorite author: David Spielberg
favorite chat room: thats a secret ...lol
pets: Yorkies...2 max and coco
city/state or country: Paducah,KY
favorite music: Country
Hi Hobbsy chic
Its me ....signing away ,,,lol
Love you page ,,,you did good girlie ,,(notice i said you and didn't mention Altra ) waves to Altra ....i know you helped ..(you did good too )
love ya both ........muaaah
Alonzo - 10/23/98 21:00:30
My Email:afloydbranson@hotmail.com
hobbies: making things in general; calligraphy, drawing, wood and metal crafts
author: Robert Heinlein
favorite chat
room: thecastaways
city/state or country: Indiana
music: Enya, The Chieftains, Loreena McKennitt
Hey, Hobbit! Sorry i didn't sign the last time...feeling better now that i have? Hee, hee!!
Love the photo album...nice to have another dimension to someone i chat with! Hope to be back online sometime in the near future. Say hello to everyone for me, will ya?
trashguy (soon to be Ex-trashguy)
Alonzo Branson
Ellie - 10/23/98 17:28:54
My URL:http://don't have one !!!
My Email:elliemit@hotmail.com
hobbies: "Wringing" the Bel!!!!!! lol walking, reading, socialising!!!!
author: Maeve Binchey
favorite chat
room: castaways
pets: 2 dogs,2fish(at the moment anyway providing they don't pop their clogs!!!!! lol
city/state or country: Perth,Scotland
music: Most kinds of music!!
GREAT page Hobbs. Had fun looking through it!!!!!
See you soon!!!! Take care!!!! Byeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Kaggie - 10/20/98 01:14:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/4369/index.html
My Email:pennyp@wantree.com.au
hobbies: HORSES!!!!
author: uhhh Anne Sewell
favorite chat
room: VPlaces
pets: Dog, Cat, Bird, Horse (yay!)
city/state or country: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
music: anything really
pretty cool site. You signed my guestbook so I thought it would be fair if I signed yours.
Luvs Kags
gem girl (donna) - 10/19/98 16:45:53
My Email:gem_girl@webtv.net
hobbies: gemology,entomology,painting ,scifi movies
favorite author: dean koontz and steven king
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: elvis my dog
city/state or country: New Jersey
favorite music: the blues
thanks for letting me see your site hobbit ,,,,,,,i dont have one but when i get it ill send it to you ...bye bye.........
Tonya - 10/18/98 15:50:56
My Email:cowgrl77@webtv.net
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: kat and horse do kids and hubby count???
city/state or country: ohio
favorite music: country
hiPPo_Pj - 10/16/98 23:49:28
My Email:...
hobbies: reading, playing on piano & computer
author: Kit PeaRSon, J.R.R. Tolkien
favorite chat
room: ...
pets: ...
city/state or country: cAnAdA
music: claSSical music
Nice homepage!
jason devlin - 10/16/98 11:58:41
My URL:http://geocities.com/area51/stargate/1069
My Email:devlin20@hotmail.com
hobbies: sci fantasy and some martial arts
author: GOOD OL` JOHN RONALD REUBEN(i am right arent i)
favorite chat
room: dont have one
pets: three orcs of the uruk hai
city/state or country: n.ireland,presently in wales
music: anything that i like the sound of at a given time
love tolkien,love sc fi ,love fantasy,visit my webpage and enter "zer alia" for an interesting combo of the last two.
love your site,no.1!!!!!
10/16/98 06:16:55
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Harriet a.k.a. DragonGirl - 10/16/98 02:17:20
My URL:http://www.cybersoup.com/box/babytoes
My Email:kitten444@hotmail.com
hobbies: reading
author: dunno, have too many
favorite chat
pets: a cat
city/state or country: IL
music: dunno
I Thought I was a close friend, please add me to the list? please?
Phil - 10/15/98 15:05:08
My URL:/SouthBeach/Island/6407
My Email:Philbb@eudoramail.com
hobbies: reading, chatting, HTML, and of course my kids
favorite author: Robert Jordan (for now)
pets: fishes
city/state or country: Arizona
favorite music: good music
Hi {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HOBBS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} .... just thought I'd stop by and see what's new here. I like your family pic page. You have a pic that says it's your sweetheart, I was just wondering which one you were refering to. The one with the glasses, or t
e one in the black fur? ...LOL ... Be ood to yourself cutie.
Gandalf W. Ericson - 10/10/98 19:59:26
My Email:john.barber@spangdahlem.af.mil
hobbies: blading, sports in general, reading, exploring expressionism
author: J.R.R. Tolkien, Tom Clancy and Richard Marcinko
favorite chat
room: Alamak
pets: none
city/state or country: Germany
music: Metal, Alternative
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
carrots - 10/06/98 04:49:58
hi hobbit you have done well since i last came to your home page,anyway i couldn't find your pic so i'll sign off now and talk to you soon ok bye bye
Brenda aka Katheryn - 10/01/98 23:35:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~thekays
My Email:allegro56@hotmail.com
hobbies: computering..*lol*..writing...reading..walking..enjoying friends
author: Peter David
favorite chat
room: I hang in #scifi/fan
pets: A whole kennel
city/state or country: West Virginia
music: anything by Phil Collins...soft rock
Nice Page. I especially liked your poems. Thanks
for sharing the URL. :c)
Tony Rossi - 09/29/98 05:23:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/1580/index.html
My Email:greenjackets@webtv.net
hobbies: Ham Radio/www
favorite author: Many
favorite chat room: Many
pets: My dog, Sam
city/state or country: Hudson Falls, NY
favorite music: Easy
Thank you for the visit.
My web site needs more people like you to visit.
Nice poems.
Your site is NOT silly.
scott - 09/26/98 03:37:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/fireidahole/index.html
My Email:vanhalen3@webtv.net
hobbies: fixing cars,,football,bowling,rock-n-roll
favorite author: dunno
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: 1 cat,2 kittins
city/state or country: toledo,ohio
favorite music: rock-n-roll,70s,80s
nice to meet you hobbit,like your gilligans island theme,,brings back memories
|BLUE| - 09/25/98 00:12:17
My Email:Blue074@Starvision.org
hobbies: Surfing,Lowriders,Music,Computers
favorite author: N/A
favorite chat room: N/A
pets: 2 Dogs, 1 Cat
city/state or country: Honolulu, Hawaii
favorite music: Alternative, Industrial, Hip-Hop
Very nice Page Girl,,,, Hope to see ya soon.. Have some questions for you
Jill - 09/23/98 04:56:26
My Email:warmrain
hobbies: photographer, drawings
favorite chat
room: wherever we all are
pets: cat - Slinky - very cute
city/state or country: Missouri
music: Rock
Hey Hobbs!!! Thanks for putting my drawing on here - I guess that means you liked it. hee hee
Nice page, like the updates since I saw it last.
See you in one of the rooms - take care and drink coffee. Love Jill (WARM)
Robert H Santi - 09/23/98 04:56:21
My Email:Musicman88@freewwweb.com
hobbies: Piano-Trains
author: Debussey...
favorite chat
room: N/A
pets: N/A
city/state or country: Buffalo N.Y.
music: Jazz
Just dropped in to see Jill's Picture.
Lela - 09/23/98 03:07:12
My Email:LadyPete@webtv.net
hobbies: same as before!
favorite author: same as before!
favorite chat room: outpost....again!
pets: must I say it????...cats!! but dogs are my real favorite! LOL
city/state or country: Tyler, TX
favorite music: now??? Let's say Styx!!!
Just thought I would come and check out the changes!! Hang in there, girl!!!
MR_GRIMM - 09/21/98 12:57:03
My Email:mr_grimm420@hotmailcom
hobbies: chatting,reading,drawing,writing,lpaying video games and comp games
author: J.R.R. Tolkein
favorite chat
room: @Music,Chattingpals,EnchantedCity all in TALKCITY
pets: cat: orange tabby named tiger: and dog: italian grey hound named:rex
city/state or country: California
music: New age& Celtic
Hello hobbit hehe man the never ending story song brings back memories hehe.... its a kewl page ya got here too the walking cat is cute... hehe i love ya page the poems are nice too well back to talking to ya in chat hehe laters
Your friend,
Stacia Hess - 09/21/98 02:33:33
My URL:http://still haven't finished the darn thing yet
My Email:Babie_Doll_@webtv.net
hobbies: Reading, writing poetry, watching baseball, singing..etc
favorite author: Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Jordan, David Eddings, Terry Brooks and last but not least Shakespeare
favorite chat room: Outpost (playing taps)
pets: two dogs, baby and bandit
city/state or country: Virginia
favorite music: Blues, Jazz, Country and Classic Rock
ALL HAIL FELLOW HOBBY!! hehe. It is a pleasure to know you. It is an honor to be a fellow hobbit, even though your shire is better than mine..lol.
You have become a dear friend to me. Thankyou always for your kindness. See ya in the Shire. I'll be the one carrying my precious..hehe j/k
see ya
DRAGONFLY!!!!!!!! - 09/20/98 02:15:28
My Email:courtney.vickery@mailexcite.com
HOBBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are craaaazy!
Kevin - 09/18/98 19:43:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/romulus30/
My Email:mack_daddy@webtv.net
hobbies: D.M.S.R.- dance ...music...sex...romance
author: Dean Koontz
favorite chat
room: Webtalker/TalkCity
pets: None..but if I did it would be a snake
city/state or country: Wash DC
music: R&B, Hip Hop, Reggae, House
Your page is awesome...why don't you come vist my page and also www.webtalker.com..lots of nice people there..take care!
Phil - 09/18/98 14:51:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/6407
My Email:philbeebe@webv.net
hobbies: chat, HTML, remembering my lost sanity
favorite author: Robert Jordan
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: fishes
city/state or country: Arizona
favorite music: Good
Hi Hobbs, Just thought i'd stop by and see what was new here. By the way, what's this outpostians webring thing? See ya cutie!!
Billy B - 09/18/98 06:02:36
My URL:http://www.billybmyrtlebeach.com
My Email:namlulu@aol.com
Just surfed on. I really like your page. Lots of fun. Poems really neat. If you ever got some extra time, stop my my place. I have Xanth also.
![]() |
Dennis - 09/16/98 16:28:56
My Email:DennisPWeed@wevtv.net
hobbies: spending time away from work :)
favorite author: Tom CLancy
favorite chat room: CityPub on TalkCity
pets: Cats - anyone want a kitten?
city/state or country: Erie, PA
favorite music: Rock (check out Rocket101 page)
Great work - your page is one the reasons that people like surfing ! Glad that I found it and I will be back again !
Sempy - 09/15/98 19:13:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SemperFiTJ/indextj.html
My Email:SemperfiTj@webtv.net
hobbies: Hearts and Crafts
favorite author: RA Salvatore & Tolkien
favorite chat room: Sempy's Cafe
pets: @ cats 1 Parakeet 1 gold fish
city/state or country: G=Tennessee
favorite music: DAN FOGELBERG!
Hi ya Hobbit! I like Hobbits! Great page and thanks for being a wonderful friend!!!
Love Sempy!
Tiffany - 09/15/98 16:56:47
My Email:scarlett101@webtv.net
hobbies: gone with the wind
favorite author: margeret mitchell
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: 2 dogs and 2 cats
city/state or country: fort irwin cali
favorite music: country
oh where oh where has the fury hobbit gone...oh where oh where could she be....i checked the shire and looked in thecastaways oh where oh where could she be!!!! sniff...sniff Tiffany
icelord - 09/13/98 20:19:54
My URL:http://members.trpod.com/~icelord_2/ice.html
My Email:icelord@webtv.net
favorite author: Robert Jordan
favorite chat room: thecastaways
city/state or country: Stanwood, Wa
hi hobbit!!! cool page!!!
Kristen - 09/13/98 17:40:17
My URL:don't have one, don't know how!!! ;-)
My Email:monkeyslayer@hotmail.com
hobbies: anything to keep busy and have fun, especially with my b/f.
author: any young horror/msytery/suspense/and true stories...
favorite chat
room: Any room my true love is in - that's where i'll roam too!
pets: 2 dogs *big slobber kisses!*
city/state or country: Southern California
music: Anything that's good ( NOO elevator tunes pls!) ;-)
It was nice to meet you, Thanks for this addy, i enjoyed lookin' around!! Take care, hope to chat again soon! With Love, Kristen *bye*
Ra-- - 09/11/98 07:15:37
My Email:Ra--@webtv.net
hobbies: collecting cions, chating, and fixing things
favorite author: Edgar Allen Poe
favorite chat room: TheCastAways
pets: 3 Black Labs
city/state or country: Utah
favorite music: All kinks
Just stoping by to say hi.
soeb - 09/09/98 03:45:02
My Email:gra@giasbmc.vsnl.net.in
city/state or country: india
CASEY - 09/08/98 11:13:14
My Email:caseybennett19@hotmail.com
hobbies: lalalala
pets: Arlien (cat)
city/state or country: Australia
MMUMY Hi good to see your site is still up and running. See you in the real world one day.....
gerry - 09/07/98 19:19:48
My Email:OWL23@webtv.net
hobbies: ride-race motorcycles-play guitar,bass.
favorite chat room: HobbitsSHIRE-Music top 40
pets: LADY--cat
favorite music: classic rock & roll
Bryan - 09/05/98 09:13:22
My Email:duck123_456@hotmail.com
hobbies: guitar, bass, music
favorite chat
room: wbs
pets: dog
city/state or country: Australia
music: KoRn
Great homepage, I'll see ya round tell Sarah I said hi and I will write to her soon.
See ya later!
Lynne - 09/04/98 01:37:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/2226
My Email:Spiritwoman@webtv.net
hobbies: raising my son.swimming
favorite author: Anne Rice
favorite chat room: not one
pets: Sheba(cat) Toshic (cat)
city/state or country: Casselberyy Florida
favorite music: All kinds
Your Homepage is cute.. Thanks for visiting mine.Lynne
lynn - 09/03/98 19:48:26
My Email:lynn6292@aol
hobbies: crafts and sewing, quilts
author: Danielle Steel
city/state or country: In
music: country
Cinzy - 09/03/98 14:32:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Cinzy/Cinzys-homepage.html
My Email:Cinzy@webtv.net
favorite chat room: Nutzo & New2webtv
pets: my son lol
city/state or country: Ft Lauderdale,Fla
favorite music: Metal
Nice page hun...It was nice to meet some of your family in your room...I host in New2webtv with the best hosts on the net..i met pie back when we all first got on this crazy box...he is one of the sweetest ppl i know on here...keep up the good work on you
page and good luck with it......
Tonya - 08/31/98 19:59:03
My Email:cowgrl77@webtv.net
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: kitty
city/state or country: ohio
favorite music: country
hey why didn't you tell me you had a page i am going to link it to mine if that is ok
Mike Edwards - 08/30/98 16:47:13
My Email:MLEKSE@webtv.net
hobbies: exercise,writing music,hiking,surfing the web, and video games.
favorite author: Clive Barker
favorite chat room: N/A
pets: Yogi & Gracie
city/state or country: New Albany, Indiana
favorite music: Heavy Metal/Judas Priest
Gracie is my cat. She's velvet-gray w/big yellow
eyes(long hair).
hummimg [Brandi] - 08/28/98 16:23:21
hobbies: cross stiching,drawing
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: 2dogs,1cat,and a bird
city/state or country: Evansville,Indiana
favorite music: pop/rock
you make me laugh your the funniest person in the room . your also sweet and kind.
Dawn Winchell - 08/18/98 06:16:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/gossamerrules/index.html
My Email:dawn70@webtv.net
hobbies: sports, reading, chatting, picking on BobaFett221, among others!
favorite author: Sue Grafton
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: none .... except Harvey my invisible 6' tall rabbit!
city/state or country: New York ... soon New Hampshire
favorite music: wide mix (little of everything)
Hey Hobbit!
Nice place ya got here! Keep up the good work! BobaFett sent me here ... told me I should check out your site!
Hope you have a great day or evening ... depending on when ya read this!
Take care and long live the Cheshire Cat!
hiya34 - 08/17/98 16:06:17
My Email:hiya34@webtv.net
hobbies: chatting watching movies meeting ppl and talking
favorite author: dont have one
favorite chat room: thecastaways
pets: none
city/state or country: Tenn
favorite music: country
cool page Hobbs im glad to call you my friend and thanks for everything
michelle - 08/15/98 19:12:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/shelllsbedroom
My Email:shelll30@webtv.net
city/state or country: wi
great page....looks good...keep up the good work
Dennis - 08/15/98 18:27:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/chamber/5928/
My Email:altra2197@hotmail.com
hobbies: chasing hobbiuts...he he he
favorite author: can't pick just one!!!
favorite chat room: anywhere you be
pets: cats, dogs, fish (smelly but no noise...lol)
city/state or country: Texas.... ye haw!!
favorite music: all except rap
Altra_ was here ! ! !
845 hits and going strong!!!!!
Jerome D Wilson - 08/15/98 08:16:24
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/gerbear
My Email:gerbear@webtv.net
hobbies: Scifi and Fantasy
favorite author: William Shatner
favorite chat room: Dont have one yet!!!
pets: N/A
city/state or country: Bradenton, Fl USA
favorite music: Variety
hello my furry little friend, i apologize if i didnt sign before but iam now. Like your page and irc. see you around!
na - 08/10/98 08:46:15
hobbies: sex an fenceing
favorite author: edgar rice burroughs
favorite chat room: he he he!!!
pets: cybercat
city/state or country: U.S.A.
favorite music: PINK FLOYD
You ever get the feeling you been here before nice place cani come back? missed you take care i always felt cast out myself take care CAPNBLOOD
slider - 08/09/98 04:30:24
today i realized i finally made it, im in hobbits hall of fame, lol. luv ya hobbs, and hubba hubba to ya !!!!!!!!!!!
Jack - 08/08/98 21:45:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~OMY_1/jack-n-jill
My Email:Jack__1@webtv.net
favorite chat room: Sports-NASCAR
city/state or country: Michigan
Hey Denise... thanks for visiting our page and signing our guestbook! We appreciate it very much. Your page looks great!
trashguy - 08/08/98 19:25:19
My Email:afloydbranson
hobbies: anything cheap!
author: Robert Heinlein
favorite chat
room: thecastaways, theoldgang, chatpost
pets: one cat... which is enough!
city/state or country: IN
music: a lot of different pieces; movie themes, some pop, some rock, Celtic
TRIX - 08/05/98 19:30:42
My Email:Trixie_W@hotmail.com
hobbies: bartendin in mels
author: Clive Barker
favorite chat
room: Mikes(mels)
pets: gold lab..henz57shorty. calico and black long hair kitty 10 fish
city/state or country: Oregon
music: savage garden meredith brooks
Cool website!!!
Slinky gave me the page..love the chesire cat!!*L*
Pat LeClair - 08/05/98 18:14:48
My Email:Ravinstar1@webtv.net
hobbies: Nintendo / Playstation
favorite author: Donaldson / Brooks
favorite chat room: Chattingpals
pets: One Cat named Spirit
city/state or country: San Diego/ California
favorite music: RUSH / Any major '80 hits
Hey Hobb..
Thanks for remembering my birthday today. I use to think, the older I get..The wiser I would become. Only now do I see, after reaching 33..Where just living our lifes is what is to be.
See you on chat tonight.
missile - 08/02/98 16:35:08
My Email:abbigail@advant.com
hobbies: chatting lol
author: Stephen King
favorite chat
room: lots
pets: cat and dog
city/state or country: illinois
music: areosmith
Hobb's have missed talking to you and miss you alot!!!!!!!!!!
Hope the move went well!!!
See ya soon i hope!!
Tom - 08/02/98 00:43:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/ntomb
My Email:cinders1@webtv.net
hobbies: reading, music, sports
favorite author: s. King
favorite chat room: none
pets: love cats, but can't have them in my apartment
city/state or country: Michigan
favorite music: everything
Very nice page. I really enjoyed it
Gin - 07/31/98 13:42:39
My URL:http://www.GingerAle.web-page.net
My Email:iloveGinger@webtv.net
hobbies: same as last time
favorite author: still Poe
favorite chat room: chatpost *sigh*...
pets: Kevin, my cat
city/state or country: Virginia
favorite music: pop
Hey Hobbsie! Just checking out how your page is comin'. 695 hits?? whoa! I'll cacth up with you! ..In about 20 years...*sigh*...
- 07/25/98 16:50:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/8161/
My Email:gerald5@hotmail.com
hobbies: Writing
favorite author: N/A
favorite chat room: Sony Station
Should be a good site when it is finished
Ingrid - 07/25/98 09:59:03
My Email:Juneaugrl@aol.com
hobbies: singing, quilting, collecting angels
author: Daniell Steele
favorite chat
room: Christians Singles
pets: dogs, cats, pigmy goats, alpacas
city/state or country: Snohomish, WA
music: Contemporary Christian, CW, Jazz, Miriah Carey, Whitney Huston
Jill - 07/21/98 20:36:56
My Email:warmrain@webtv.net
hobbies: photography, drawing, long drives, long walks, watching the sun set and partying with my friends - you never know what will happen
favorite author: rather watch an old movie
favorite chat room: outpost - now chatpost - kkosksplace
pets: kitty - Slinky
city/state or country: Rochester, NY - moving to Missouri
favorite music: Rock and ....
Thank you Hobbs for making me a part of the group - you were a sweetie when I got there and still are - good luck to you. See you soon!!
Harp - 07/21/98 17:41:06
My URL:http://none
My Email:tiger96@hbzmail.com
hobbies: My Dog Joey,Pomes,Collecting Doctors Bills
author: None
favorite chat
room: Acme Pet Chat
pets: 1 Jack Russell,mine ,we havw a lab,husky mix,and beagel
city/state or country: Ohio
music: Country
I realy like your page ,and I will viset often.
bluejeanbeautyqueen - 07/21/98 14:56:53
My Email:crp22@mailcity.com
hobbies: sports,beach,chatting,and hanging out with my friends
author: too many to list
favorite chat
room: the ones without teenagers in them
pets: one cat
city/state or country: de
music: light rock,r@b,country
your home page is cool...i am going to get my own home page soon..hope to hear from you soon..
missile - 07/20/98 11:17:36
My Email:abbigail@advant.com
hobbies: chatting (lol)
favorite chat
room: chatpost (now)
Hobb, really like your page, maybe someday i willsit long enough without chatting and make one, lolTake care and will talk to you real soon!!!!!Good luck on your new move.
Jneeners - 07/20/98 08:50:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area 51/shire/9418
My Email:Jneeners@webtv.net
favorite chat room: SciFi/Fan in Talk City
Hello! Cool site! I love old movies too! Keep up the good work! - Jneeners 8-)
Espedito Minervine - 07/19/98 18:34:00
My URL:http://www.dragonfire.net/~dragonweyr/
My Email:dragonweyr@mailcity.com
hobbies: Pern, Dragons, HTML, my website!
author: Anne McCaffrey
favorite chat
room: do'nt participate
Thanks for your e-mail. When I opened your letter it took me straight to your website - how did you do that!!!! That's pretty cool. Thanks for the link to Dragon Weyr - greatly appreciated.
LunaCCC - 07/19/98 00:16:00
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/roflway/lunaccc
My Email:LunaCCC@talkcity.com
hobbies: chatting, reading, chatting, crafting, chatting, travel...ummm, did I mention chatting?
author: geez...do I have to pick just one? David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey, J.R.R. Tolkien, Isaac Asimov...the list goes on and on.
favorite chat
room: Just about any room on TalkCity!
Hey, Hobbit-girl! I was curious about your last note in my guestbook so I followed your hint to here. Thank you, dear! I was very touched to find myself listed in your Hall of Fame. You always bring a smile to my face. I enjoy seeing you in #Outpost.
TJ - 07/19/98 00:07:23
My Email:Semprfient@aol.com or SemperFiTJ@webtv.net
hobbies: Art/Screenwritting/guitar/songwritting/fishing/reading fantasy/rpgs/
favorite author: R.A Salvatore and JRR TOLKIEN
favorite chat room: Chatpost cause I like Hobbits
Great work Hobbit..You must have locked yerself in the old Hobbithole for sometime doing this lttle adventure. Always great to chat with you Hobbit...Good luck and may God Bless...o I love cats too!
Faye Bausch - 07/19/98 00:02:34
My Email:bausch@mailexcite.com
hobbies: Reading SciFi/Fan, computer, raising my family
author: It's a toss-up between Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCaffery
favorite chat
room: parenting-teenagers - talkcity, The Castaways - Talkcity
Hi Denise,
kewl home page. I gotta learn how to do that!!
See ya in chat!
aussie_m48 - 07/18/98 23:45:54
My Email:rbarrett@ne.com.au
hobbies: reading, movies, chatting
author: Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, Wilbur Smith
favorite chat
room: Any where the conversation is mature with no BS
Very nice Hobbit6! You are much more advanced on this stuff than I am. Liked the visit.
Kelly Reeves - 07/18/98 14:50:03
My URL:http://www.scifi.com
My Email:Belgarth38@aol.com
hobbies: reading,chatting,flirting
author: David&Leigh Eddings
favorite chat
room: outpost/chatpost
good looking page!!!!! can i give you dennis's cats to put on there too!!!!!! LOL
i think you are a sweety, denise!!!!
your friend, kelly
skarekrow - 07/18/98 04:55:20
My URL:Hell! I don't remember my home page addy! LOL!!!
My Email:skarekrow@webtv.net
hobbies: women, scuba diving, mountain biking, weightlifting, swimming, partying like there is no tomorrow!!!
favorite author: j.d. salinger
favorite chat room: chatpost!
Gotta tell you a confession, doll..I really hate the Gilligan's Island theme...but I do love you, babe...ciao!!!!
Beej - 07/18/98 03:06:54
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/5836
My Email:Beej@cyou.com
hobbies: boating, fishing, racing, music
author: Terry Pratchett
favorite chat
room: ThirtySomething by Hatter
Thanks for stopping by my site, signing my guestbook, and leaving a link to your home page.S* I really enjoyed my visit here.
Take care, HOBBIT6, and God bless ya! *HUGS*
Michael Vexler - 07/18/98 02:39:25
My Email:Vexster@webtv.net
hobbies: Building Miniature houses out of wood
favorite author: None
favorite chat room: Don't Know--I like a lot of 'em
Do you know if there is a local-New York chat room in talk city?
Akshay alias AXE - 07/17/98 02:11:52
My URL:http://www.axedoesnthaveahomepageyet.com
My Email:axe@wowmail.com
hobbies: reading,chatting,music
author: Arthur C. Clarke
favorite chat
room: Chatpost(*sob*..outpost..gone!)
hey hobbsie!!kewl page..even us aliens are a lil impressed ..hehe..er..so..like..now u should be eternally thankful and stuff...that an ALIEN's signed yer book..lol..
TJ - 07/16/98 21:56:54
hobbies: Games (Computer, Video, War, Strategy but not Head)
author: Stephen King
favorite chat
room: The now Banned Outpost
Hello Small Fuzzy!!!
Rob Hebert - 07/16/98 19:03:19
My Email:Arioch56@webtv.net
hobbies: RPG's,science fiction, fantasy, chatting, surfing the web, long walks in shady forests, Tolkien, vampires, the list goes on....
favorite author: Anne Rice (currently)
favorite chat room: chatpost
Love the music..by the way, incase you didn't know i am also Bremen56....i like your room and one day when i finally figure out the language i will inviteyou to mine!!
John Jarboe - 07/16/98 18:54:04
hobbies: hunting cats
author: Hugh Heffner
favorite chat
room: bedroom
Just Joking Mom-in -law
Kat - 07/16/98 18:43:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/tomnkat/
My Email:katinworc@webtv.net
hobbies: movies...reading....
favorite author: Stephen King
favorite chat room: friends-w-disability
Cute page...Keep up the good work!!!
Skimmer - 07/16/98 18:19:30
My Email:skimmerute@hotmail.com
hobbies: camping, fishing ,all sports, flirting online lol, reading, hiking, hope to take up sky diving soon,
favorite author: Essie Summers and Terry Brooks
favorite chat room: was Outpost now Chatpost or kkoshsroom
Ronni Parker - 07/16/98 11:20:12
My Email:LSkywalker@webtv.net
hobbies: Flirting
favorite chat room: Chatpost
Yorkie - 07/15/98 18:11:11
My Email:max@vci.net
hobbies: chatting !! lol
favorite author: spielburg
favorite chat room: chatpost
Hi Hobbsy!!! i made it ! im waving from your page!!! see me !!! throws a big smooochie to Hobbsy!!
stacey - 07/15/98 17:28:06
My Email:Stay-cey@webtv.net
hobbies: reading,music of jewel
favorite author: edgar allan poe
favorite chat room: chatpost
hey hobbit ..cool home page....thanks for sending it to me...i will see you in chatpost...
darian - 07/15/98 14:39:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/nebula/8996
My Email:bobafett221@webtv.net
hobbies: star trek, star wars, x files reading
favorite author: spy: clancy gothic/horror: rice fantasy: wiess/hickham
Boba Fett was here....
gunger - 07/15/98 07:01:29
My Email:gunger@webtvnet
hobbies: role playing games , surfing the web , hanging ,going out with friends
favorite author: james herbert
favorite chat room: too many
umm well G hobbs don't presure me ......ummmmmm.....er..........like.....
Dustin S. - 07/15/98 06:37:39
My Email:Clearly4Christ@webtv.net
hobbies: Video games...rollerblading, and convincing people thatI need to be commited for psyc. eval. ( i really dont though! =)
favorite author: Either Piers Anthony or Orson Scott Card
favorite chat room: used to be #outpost, but sadly it no longer exists.....I'm a roamer nowadays
To Hobbit: I case U havent guessed yet....i'm GTS...with a new nick. I miss seeing you and all my friends but whenever I come on, you guys are all gone(or I cant find you:-(
anyway....I love yer page, it could use some floating trout...but otherwise looks kewl. lov ya lots and hope to see ya real soon.
In Gods Love, Dusty
Jeff - 07/15/98 06:21:37
My Email:Jeff2052@webtv.net
hobbies: Sci-fi, computers, video and film making, model building
favorite author: I couldnt tell you right now.
favorite chat room: Outpost before if was screwed up
I will come here often to see what u have added. I am puting this page into my favorites list.
I hope the move goes well for you. I think you guys are the best. I love ya..
whispurr aka Mark - 07/15/98 05:48:41
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GalleryDr/whispurr/index.html
My Email:whispurr@webtv.net
hobbies: writing drawing, biking, causing trouble
favorite author: kurt vonnegut
favorite chat room: chatpost!!!
Love ya Nisey!!! Cool home page!!!
CASEY - 07/15/98 05:42:59
My Email:bennett@merriweb.com.au
hobbies: MTB, Clubbing, Dancing, Kupawada,...being australian..
author: Who ever writes on the back of the Corn Flakes packets.....
favorite chat
room: chatpos......was outpost........still wondering what happened
Hello to my Second mum!! great page mum, ill be over to The US of A one day soon and ill be knocking on your door........Everyone go to www.abc.net.au/triplej/ best radio station in the world!!! bye mum love casey......
Southpaws - 07/15/98 04:56:20
My Email:Southpaws@webtv.net
hobbies: shooting,chev trucks,pookie, food, oreo dbl stuffed, john wayne, clint eastwood, politics
favorite author: Louis Lamour
favorite chat room: hobbit6's hopefully if anyone ever shows up
Hey Hobb got your message and yes I stopped by and nobody home. Catch ya later!!!!
Bret - 07/15/98 03:26:07
My Email:BGrandrath@webtv.net
hobbies: sports and reading science fiction (a jock who reads!!!!!)
favorite author: C.J. Cherryh
favorite chat room: outpost (sigh)
Gilligans Island???...silly hobbit
Leyla - 07/15/98 03:23:02
My URL:http://www.idonthave1.com
My Email:iloveMase15@webtv.net
hobbies: cheerleading, softball, basketball, track (hurdles and sprinting) volleyball, soccer, dancing, bein with friends, shoppin, some more stuff 2...
favorite author: hey i didnt list reading as a hobby!^^^
favorite chat room: well i LIKED outpost but we wont go into that...i like chatpost and kkoshsplace now..and MaxChat and TeenTalk and TalkCityPresents ad TheInSite and TheInSite-Casual..
Hobbsie love your page!!! Its really good! Um well thats all my comments i guess...anyway good luck with it!:) cya lata thanks 4 puttin me on the friends page!
morgana - 07/15/98 02:37:36
My Email:morgana_2@webtv.net
hobbies: seeing the world...dancing...friends
favorite author: stephen hawkins,kip thorne
favorite chat room: used to b outpost but we all know what happened there...so chatpos kshs
very nice hobb...thnaks for sending the url...u take care see ya in chat
MzLou - 07/15/98 01:23:16
My Email:mzlou@webtv.net
hobbies: chats,surfing the net,playing piano...
favorite author: Anne Rice
favorite chat room: Outpost.....used to be....
Great homepage, hobbs!!!
LIKED your picture.........
LOVED your TOES!!!.........LOL
Robin - 07/15/98 01:02:13
My Email:longC00Lwoman-@webtv.net
hobbies: basketball, skiing, music
Hi girrrly.. ur page is grreat~!! I will miss u when u leave the state, but we will alwayys have e-mail, and who knows?? maybe family someday~?LOL u know what i mean~!! he he he.. love ya bunches. 8-)
Carrots - 07/15/98 00:44:05
My Email:veggie1@eisa.net.au
hobbies: dancing ,chatting and wacthing ausralian rules football
favorite author: none
Hi hobbit,
Nice page u done well with it see you in the chat room soon
tara - 07/15/98 00:36:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~simplykind/freakstore
My Email:simplykind@webtv.net
hobbies: art, friends, literature
favorite author: clive barker
Great page Nisey!!!!love tara
Ruben - 07/14/98 23:44:47
My Email:drzhivago@webtv.net
hobbies: soccer
Hobs...i'm going to miss you..hope you get back on line as soon as you can...thanks for all your jokes and the chats..
See you soon
laura - 07/14/98 22:31:52
My Email:marina-2000@webtv.net
hobbies: cooking. sci-fi, poetry, laughing. people.
favorite author: many....
i havent known you for very long, your a VERY funny person...and i do love your homepages..... glad to have you as a friend....c ya!!
CART - 07/14/98 21:56:25
My Email:barcode@alphalink.com.au
hobbies: many and varied
favorite author: Terry Pratchett
Hey HOBBSY hows my fave rabbit???
Dave & Susi - 07/14/98 21:42:53
My Email:dmw@clara.net
hobbies: OOOOOOOOolots
favorite author: Too many to mention
Hobbes makes brilliant coffee, we love you Hobbes.
Phil - 07/14/98 21:32:38
My Email:Philbeebe@webtv.net
hobbies: sci-fi, fantasy, painting, fish, fishing, gardening
favorite author: Robert Jordan
See ya around sweetie!!
billy-captjkirk - 07/14/98 21:30:58
My Email:captjkirk@webtv.net
hobbies: target shooting,working out,jogging ,cooking,fishing, boxing,reloading ammunition,gun collecting,surfing the web,
favorite author: ron hubbard.
hi hobbie, i love your home page,your e-mail,your personality, it is a pleasure to call you my friend.-your friend captjkirk
VooDoo- - 07/14/98 21:13:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/2944/
My Email:VooDoo-@webtv.net
hobbies: water sports
favorite author: John Grisham
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
great page...Thanks for sending it to me. May all your dreams become reality, and may you reality be a dream come true.
Ray - 07/14/98 20:53:43
My Email:WebElder@webtv.net
hobbies: staying alive another day
favorite author: Playboy
Hi Friend..Nice to see you are putting a Homepage together.Love the funny stuff you email out...keep sending! CYA!
kelly black - 07/14/98 20:38:47
My Email:black1000@webtv.net
hobbies: cookie.fishing,surfing and chating on net
favorite author: gene rodenberry
hey hobbsy nice page. your a great lady and a good friend its lways nice to talk to you see ya at talkcity!!!
Casey Clark - 07/14/98 20:37:02
My Email:ALT20@webtv.net
hobbies: what do ya think
favorite author: ummm hobbs you wrote a book yet??
thanx hobbs for being who you are...you are a special lady...love ya...Casey ~~>>ALT20
ted6 - 07/14/98 20:34:04
My Email:ted6@webtv.net
hobbies: cartoonist
favorite author: Anne Rice,Stephen King
cute cat!
Jerome Wilson(jerry) - 07/14/98 20:27:13
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/gerbear
My Email:gerbear@theglobe.com
hobbies: Scifi(startrek),Movies
favorite author: William Shatner
hey hobbs i like the kitties, and the gilligans theme song is ecellent. Just drop to say hello...HELLO.
full-monty (TheHardWay) (james) - 07/14/98 20:26:50
My URL:http://www.terragone.u-net.com
My Email:zanthras@terragone.u-net.com
hobbies: horse riding..... singing..... chatting online with my pals
favorite author: God (the bible) no joke
well my possible mom-in-law to be hobbit6
gotta love ya thanx for the credits all of #chatpost love
thanx for always bieng there>:0)
love always
for son hehehe
pat - 07/14/98 20:18:40
My Email:ravinstar@webtv.net
hobbies: star trek-voyger
favorite author: Terry Brooks- Stephen R Donaldson
Finally made it to your web - page
Juts wanted t say hey
...... HEY ......
See you at Talk City sometime
Ravinstar & Winniethepooh4u.....Bye
brandi leach - 07/14/98 20:05:19
My Email:hummimg@wentv.net
hobbies: cross stiching
how u do all this neet stuff
Bradley Uffner (Trekie) - 07/14/98 20:01:18
My URL:http://users.nbn.net/~bradley
My Email:bradley@nbn.net
hobbies: Computer, Star Trek
favorite author: Micheal Chricton
Awesome homepage, love the music
Jason Whipe Aka IDALON - 07/14/98 19:57:20
My Email:IDALON@webtv.com
hobbies: RPG Games
favorite author: Clive Barker
Neat Page But See mine
Ellie - 07/14/98 17:09:34
My Email:elliemit@hotmail.com
Hi Hobbsy,love the page!!
Brianb - 07/14/98 13:00:10
My Email:brianb@blazenet.net
hobbies: Movies, reading, writing poetry
favorite author: Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite
Very nice denise. See you soon in chatpost.
Gin - 07/14/98 03:18:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5509/
My Email:iloveGinger@webtv.net
hobbies: anything on the 'Net
favorite author: Edgar Allen Poe I think..
Good start on a page! You already have more people on your counter than I ever have! LOL! Well my Titanic page had 77 hits last time I went there. Oh well.. See ya!
tommy sciacca jr-sargmarvel - 07/14/98 03:06:47
My Email:sargmarvel@webtv.net
hobbies: target shooting, weight lifting, reloading pistol bullets ,fishing, jogging, swimming,
hobbie, its always a pleasure to talk to you on the web, you always have a joyful disposition which is getting rare in this day and time.,one of these days i will build a home page but dont hold your breath.
Lela - 07/14/98 02:08:16
My Email:LadyPete@webtv.net
hobbies: volleyball, softball, chatting, swimming, and reading
favorite author: Mary Higgins Clark
D, you are the kind of person everyone wants for a friend....luv ya!!
LIN - 07/13/98 23:45:35
My Email:LSS66@webtv.net
hobbies: cooking metting people dancing dine out concert partys bike ridding boat rides traviling metting people singing tennis pool swimming movies sports
good job u did se u on the web and nince to me a nice person on the weband helpfull. I LIKE HOW u did your home page.
Kenneth - 07/13/98 18:07:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Arena/4573/
My Email:EnsRoundbop@webtv.net
hobbies: Umm, EVERYTHING! except all that bad stuff, you know what i mean!
favorite author: Carolyn Keene (wrote all the Nancy Drew books "The hidden stair case [volume 2] is my fav!)
kool page! keep working on it and make it REALLY BIG! heheh. if your nice, ill send you some scripts for some little games!
moose_boy - 07/13/98 17:11:01
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GalleryDr/whispurr/index.html
My Email:moose_boy@webtv.net
hobbies: moosing around
favorite author: ernest moosingway
Hyuck! Hyuck! Hi there, silly Nisey!!! How ya doing, Moose Girl? See...I signed your guestbook! uh huh! I did! I did! Thisis sooo cool!!! Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck!
dennis smith - 07/13/98 07:31:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/5928
My Email:Altra_@webtv.net
hobbies: chasing hobbits...hehe!
favorite author: Piers Anthony
hi love!!! ALTRA_ WAS HERE!!!!!!!!!