Welcome to my Guestbook!

Chris - 09/09/00 04:01:54
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/TOPAZ-ANGEL/TOPAZSWEBPAGE
My Email:TOPAZ-ANGEL@webtv.net
favourite pet: My cat Princess Precious
favourite chat room: startrek-captainstable
favourite author: Salman Rushdie
where from: Vega$
place you want to vacation at: Cunard's Queen Elizabeth II
favourite food: POPSICLES!!!!

I enjoyed your site....nice to see everyone's pictures!

Ens_Ek - 08/23/00 18:54:23
My Email:Ens_Ek@webtv.net
favourite pet: cat
favourite chat room: StarTrek-CaptainsTable
favourite author: Stephen King
where from: Wisconsin
place you want to vacation at: Walt Disney
favourite food: Mac and Cheese

Pretty neat page, Hobbits. Hope that skipper made it home in time for supper from his three hour tour (LOL). Well, keep up the good job at what you are doing, I know you will meet many new friends where you are at.

Bonnie Murray - 08/23/00 00:28:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/MuddsEve/index.htm
My Email:MuddsEve@webtv.net
favourite pet: My cat.
favourite chat room: StarTrek-CaptainsTable
favourite author: Stephen King
where from: Nova Scotia, Canada
place you want to vacation at: Scotland
favourite food: Pizza and a DQ Blizzard.

Hi Hobbit3. Your web page looks great by the way. I also love your theme music. Only trouble with the music is once you hear it just keeps playing over and over in your head...LOL Keep up the good work Bonnie Murray

Jessi - 08/05/00 15:55:20
My Email:jessii@web.de
where from: Germany
place you want to vacation at: Madrid

Hi! I'm so sorry, that I haven't written to you lately! you know, last year of school... so I wish you all the best and that i write more frequently to you :-) love jesse

Admiral_Ryan_H - 07/30/00 18:42:55
My Email:Admiral_Ryan_H@webtv.net
favourite pet: Alaskin huskie Dog
favourite chat room: StarTrek-CaptainsTable
favourite author: Don't have one
where from: Oklahoma
place you want to vacation at: Montanna
favourite food: Egg Rolls

Hey Hobbit see around at the chat room

Laurie Kuntz - 06/25/00 07:22:23
My Email:skybear273@webtv.net
favourite pet: penny my chauhauha and bootise my cat
favourite chat room: startrek captains Table
favourite author: to many
where from: Jackson Michigan
place you want to vacation at: anywhere but Michigan!!! LOL
favourite food: don't know?

I wish you and your Family all the best and good luck for the steep road you must travel on your journey through life. May God bless you and Godspeed to you

TenOfNine - 05/28/00 20:12:38
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ImaginaryPl/TenOfNine/
My Email:TenOfNine@excite.com
favourite pet: my bird, "Madison"
favourite chat room: where else?..hehe...The Captains Table!

Hey, Hobbs!!....glad I got to visit your site!! Be sure to visit mine! All the best!!!!.......

Skyfox - 05/16/00 22:30:20
My URL:/skyfox42
My Email:skyfox42@yahoo.com
favourite pet: Cat
favourite author: Douglas Adams
where from: Switzerland
favourite food: o-sushi

Hey, hello ! You also seem to be a fan of Tolkien and Star Trek. I liked the music on your page ! Please visit also my page if you feel like ! There is also a good book recommendation at: http://www.geocities.com/shire_cl/Books/books.html See you again, Skyfox

Teo - 05/15/00 14:53:33
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/infiniteloop/plymb/
My Email:teo75no@hotmail.com
favourite pet: Cats are kinda cool...
favourite chat room: Well doh! The CaptainsTable is the only room for me!!
favourite author: Tom Clancy,J.R.R.Tolkien and a few otheres...
where from: Tromsø,Norway
place you want to vacation at: New Zealand,Japan and more...
favourite food: errr...mmm....my gram's meat cakes i think..

Hey Hobbs! This is one cool page...good work! Be seeing you at the table!

joseph - 04/04/00 14:18:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:cat
favourite pet: startrekcaptainstable and texas flirts
favourite chat room: gen rodenbary
favourite author: star trek
where from: new mexico and colorado
place you want to vacation at: chicago
favourite food: mexican

hey mom its me lol i liked your page hey how do you enter your page in a contest?

Phil - 04/01/00 04:30:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/philbb.geo
My Email:Philbeebe@webtv.net
favourite pet: puppy
favourite chat room: Depends on where my friends are
favourite author: Robert Jordan
where from: Phoenix
place you want to vacation at: somewhere where it's not so bloody hot!!
favourite food: Pizza

Hi sweetie. I hadn't been by lately so I thought I'd stop in and see what was happening here. Be good.

Mare - 02/28/00 00:25:13
My Email:charleneandcorbin@yahoo.com
favourite pet: ur 2month old grandson!!!
favourite chat room: chattingbuds
favourite author: anne rice
where from: las vegas

Hey U!!!((((Mom)))) just stopped in to see if anything is new on ur page!!! love u lots and miss u. Nyte

mkrains - 01/29/00 20:48:06
My URL:http://comunitywebtv.net/mkains/Youclickeditygot/index.html
favourite pet: my sweet dog chief
favourite chat room: The captians table
favourite author: Peter David
where from: Oklahoma
place you want to vacation at: Ireland
favourite food: lobster and crab stuffed mushrooms from red lobster ummmmmmm!!!!

Hey Hobbs, I finally made it to your homepage. Take care and keep up the good work! Love the pics pages (although there was no one there I knew) But it was still cool to see everyone. Be good, m'kay

Jessii - 01/22/00 23:12:44
My Email:hylo.j20@gmx.net
favourite pet: dog
favourite chat room: mmhhh, german ones
favourite author: too much
where from: Germany
place you want to vacation at: Madrid, Spain
favourite food: ice cream: mississippi mudd at b&r

Hi, long time ago i visited your homepage. good work anyway! hope you are just doing great, I will write you an email, ok? hugs jessi

Jeff Cox - 01/22/00 15:46:45
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/HeadbangersHwy/wva_klingon
My Email:WVa_KLINGON@webtv.net
favourite pet: Tie between cats and dogs
favourite chat room: Again a tie,between st captains table and Galaxy Lounge
favourite author: dont have one
where from: West Virginia
place you want to vacation at: Finland
favourite food: Steak

Very impressive page,Hobbs..:)

E. W. Morningside - 11/29/99 13:00:34
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/easelst/mside/index.html
My Email:ewmorningside@yahoo.com
favourite pet: Angus
favourite chat room: CaptainsTable
favourite author: Charlotte Bronte
where from: BC, Canada
place you want to vacation at: Lord Sutekh's resort
favourite food: Everything

Sorry to hear about the car crunch. Glad to hear nobody hurt. See you in chat. Keep smilin ~(8-) mside

Biardi_Giggles - 11/24/99 18:40:11
My Email:Biardi_Giggles@talkcity.com
favourite pet: Parrots
favourite chat room: Star Trek Captains Table
favourite author: Hmmmmmmmm too many
where from: British Columbia, Canada
place you want to vacation at: Space
favourite food: Smarties Ice Cream mmmmmmmmmmm

Wow, your site is awsome and I still have to finsh exploring. Chat to you soon. Take Care Biardi_Giggles Whoops had to correct my email address.(giggles)

Lonnie Branson (trashguy) - 11/17/99 01:35:59
My Email:afloydbranson@hotmail.com
favourite chat room: round4
favourite author: Heinlein
where from: IN, USA
place you want to vacation at: Fiji
favourite food: Corned Beef Casserole...MMM!

Hey, Denise! Just got word from VickiChicki...she told me about your med situation...You'll be in my prayers, dear friend! Please keep me posted, ok? Love, Lonnie

NATHAN - 10/26/99 22:15:55
favourite pet: DOG
favourite chat room: LOCAL-ORANGECOUNTY
favourite author: FRANKLIN W. DIXON
where from: CALIFORNIA
place you want to vacation at: SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS
favourite food: BRATWURST


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