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Michael T. Weiss stars as Jarod Russell in NBC's The Pretender
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Michael Terry Weiss was born on February 2nd, 1962.
He has played many varied roles, and has starred in several major motion pictures. Michael has been in television shows such as "Days of Our Lives," "2000 Malibu Road," and guest starred in "The Advenures of Brisco County Jr." Michaels latest project is, of course, "The Pretender", which is is currently in its 3rd season and shows no signs of slowing down.
In "The Pretender," Michael plays Jarod Russell. a so-called pretender who was captured by the
mysterious Centre, located in Blue Cove, Delaware. There Jarod was forced use his genius to create simulations for the sinister plans of The Centre. Kidnapped as a child, Jarod know nothing of the outside world, nor of his parentage. Jarod manages to escape, sending the minions of the Centre scrambling after him in a vain effort to haul him back . Jarod uses his genius to help those in need. Each episode has Jarod becoming someone else, pretending to be someone he is not. Jarod's main goal, besides helping others is to find out who he truly is, and who his parents were.

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