Colonel Verber's Ready Room

It is a little-known fact that the Y1K problem caused the Dark Ages.

What's Here

I'm just starting on this Web page thing, so most of the content is going to be links for now. As I learn more about HTML, I'll add more content. (By the way, as of this writing, I'm doing manual HTML. None of that easy WYSIWYG stuff for ME!) Note: As of 17 June 1999, I'm still using manual HTML to write this page!

Who Is Colonel Verber?

Back in 1993, I was involved in a campaign game of Silent Death (a quick-'n'-easy ruleset for starfighter combat, from Iron Crown Enterprises). My fleet's second-in-command, nicknamed Treece, flew a Seraph (also known to Silent Death players here in Baton Rouge as "The Incredible Damage Sponge"). When another Silent Death campaign started up in late 1996, I used the same miniature, and decided that the pilot was Treece's son, Colonel Franklin A. Verber, commanding my squadron (Task Force Rakkasan).

Who is the WebLord here?

"What is your security clearance, Citizen?"

"I'm sorry, but that information is not available at this time."

Anyway, here are some link categories to sites I think are useful, fun, or just plain bizarre....

Note: All links have been verified on 07 March 1999

There have been visitors since 23 April 1998.

This page is designed by a Netscape user. I can't vouch for how it looks on Internet Explorer....
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This page last updated on 27 February 1999.

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