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Greetings, it is a pleasure to have you here visiting.  You are welcome to have a look around and don't forget to sign the guestbook when you are done.  This web page is currently undergoing heavy construction so I beg you to please be patient with me and to forgive me for any links that may not function at the moment.  I decided to name this place twilight for two reasons, the main one being that this is usually the time of day that I'll actually be putting time in to work on the site.  The other reason is that twilight is the time of day that I enjoy the most, it is when I'm at my highest point of the day, the time when I have the most inspiration and energy.  As a side note, it is also the time of day when I am most creative.  For those who have previously been to my older web pages you'll find that there are new things to explore and you will probably notice a change in the format of the page.  To all the new visitors here are a few little hints to help you navigate: 

There are also a few temporary links below. Well then, please continue on your visit and enjoy your time.  If you find the time, don't forget to sign the guestbook on your way out.

Pass Quotes

Quote of the Week
"To save the world you asked this man to die: Would this man, could he see you now, ask why?"
W.H. Auden ~ 1907-1973

Read my Guestbook
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Email me here if you have any comments about the contents of this page.

All art and text, excluding fanfics from others and the link banners of other sites, is copyright © 2000-2004 Julie. Twilight and it's content is copyright © Julie 2000-2004. Do Not take, trace, copy, manipulate, alter or distribute anything without permission! Page designed by Julie All rights reserved

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