Frontier Wrestling Association
Informational Web Page

Welcome to the Still in Contruction Information Page of the Frontier Wrestling Association. The FWA was created in early 1994 and has went through some changes in not only format, but personality as well. This page isn't here to impress you with pretty bells and whistles (at least not yet), but it is here to help you understand what the FWA is, what type of e-wrestling fed is, and to help you decide if you wish to submit a character.


The Frontier Wrestling Association is a federation national in scope, in par with the NWA of the 1980's in size, and with a blend of the classic NWA of the 80's along with a little modern risque to it. Basically, it is open to any idea, as long as that idea is not too far off field or off color. I try to be open to any suggestion, to hear the idea, and discuss the idea with you. I do my VERY best to be responsive to the players, and help them have fun, and enjoy the experience. After all, if you aren't having fun, there's no use in playing.

If you are new to e-wrestling, check out the new player page for information about what e-wrestling is by some of the very best that e-wrestling has to offer. For those of you that are veterans to this game, here's some basic info about the FWA. If you are looking for a booked league, we can't help you here, but I have some links of some booked leagues that are looking for new players. You might want to try them out, and let me know if they're any good or not. If you are a league looking for exposure, email me, and I'd be happy to include you in my links. After all, we're in this together.

The FWA uses a system known as BODYSLAM! to resolve matches and to run some of the behind the scenes things in a wrestling federation. BODYSLAM! tries to emulate the idea that e-wrestling is a Role-playing game, and as such deserves to have a system much is common with a classic RPG. As such, it is a "simmed" league, but instead of a computer program to resolve matches, dice is used.

To receive further information about the FWA, or to get an application to enter wrestlers into the league, contact me to get a submission form.

So look around, and let me know what you think, and any suggestions you might have for improvements.

Visit my Message Board:
Frontier Wrestling Association