Release Notes
[Key Feature]
[Known Issues]
[Future Enhancements]

[Feedback Form]
[Bug Report Form]

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It's Here (v1.1.11):

BattleCalc3055 - Full Version (1996k)


BattleCalc3055 - Upgrade (831K)


A utility for BattleTech Players

Click here for a screenshot




1. Introduction
2. Key Features
3. Installation
4. Usage
5. Known Issues
6. Future Enhancements
7. Disclaimer

This application was developed to help speed up play of the BattleTech game. It helps calculate to-hit numbers for several weapons simultaneously with a simple checklist interface to include all applicable modifiers. The inclusion of a variable target range gauge allows the player to conduct "what-if?" scenarios quickly enough prior to their move so as not to cause excessive delays to gameplay. To help support gameplay over IRC, a function to automatically generate weapons fire declarations and make them available to paste into an IRC chat window was included.

Key Features:

  • Quick point-and-click interface for to-hit calculations.
  • Includes all standard to-hit modifiers.
  • Supports all Level 1 and most Level 2 weaponry.
  • Supports both Inner Sphere and Clan weapons.
  • Allows configurations of up to twelve weapons per mech.
  • Each mech can be given a unique designation to allow it to be easily identified when managing multiple mechs simultaneously
  • Tracks heat generated by weapons fire
  • For IRC play, declares weapons fire.

This application was written in VB6. To run it on your PC, you must be running Win9x (NT may work but I have not tested it - if you try it, let me know). One limitation to VB6 is that the VB common control libraries must be installed on the PC in order to run a VB executable. I had to assume that users did not have the VB common control libraries and needed them as well. As a result, the full download is over 1.9mb. A slimmed-down version is available for those who have the runtimes or are upgrading from a previous version.

Extract the downloaded zip file into a temporary directory. Run "setup.exe" to begin the installation program. Installation and the Uninstall routines are provided. In some cases, installation of the VB runtime .dll files will require that the PC be rebooted...don't blame me - blame Microsoft. Please let me know if you have any difficulties with the installation.

The uninstall routine can be accessed from the Control Panel: Add/Remove Programs

This software is offered 'as is' and without warranty of any kind. The author takes no responsibility for damages resulting from use or performance of this software.

Reasonable efforts were made to ensure that all calculations were correct and the rules of play accurately reflected. Constructive comments and bug reports can be sent via e-mail to "" It is suggested that users verify settings and calculations if they have concerns and prior to submitting a bug report.

Installation and use were tested on multiple Win9x PCs. The author accepts no responsibility for unforeseen impact on systems, applications, or data.

Run BattleCalc3055 by either selecting the menu option provided or by running bcalc3055.exe.

Setup/Editing the Mech
Upon program launch, the setup panel for the mech will be displayed. The mech's type (IS or Clan) must be selected. IS is selected by default. Some weapon statistics vary according to mech type. Mixed-tech mech configurations are not supported. The pilot's Gunnery Skill must also be entered. All other fields are optional.

Input of the Mech Model and MechWarrior name will cause these values to be displayed in both the program Title Bar and on the program's desktop button. This feature is useful when managing multiple mechs.

Selection of LB/X Cluster Munitions will cause the modifier for this ammunition type to be applied whenever the mech is firing Autocannons of the LB/X variant.

When complete, the user should press [Done] to display the main BattleCalc window.

Defining Weapons Configurations
BattleCalc3055 supports up to twelve weapons per mech. A weapon can be selecting by clicking on the Weapon drop-down window and chossing the appropriate weapon from the list. Weapon statistics according to the mech type are displayed. Weapons can be changed at any time.

The location for each weapon can be optionally defined. BattleCalc3055 tracks to-hit modifiers for damaged arm actuators and will apply these modifiers to weapons shown to be located in the damaged location.

Note to IRC users: Weapons fire declarations are created in the same order as weapons are listed in the BattleCalc window. Users utilizing this functionality may wish to consider how they list their weapons in BattleCalc3055.

Adding Additional Mechs
Additional mechs can be created by selecting the [New Mech] Menu Option. Mech setup data should be entered and the user can optionally enter a Mech Model to help distinguish multiple mechs.

Calculating To-Hit Targets
Each round, the user should enter range to target and select all applicable to-hit modifiers. Once this has been completed user can select [Calculate] to generate the required to-hit number for each weapon.

Determining Heat Generated
f the Declare checkbox has been selected for a given weapon, that weapon will be included in the heat calculation for the mech. The total heat generated for all declared weapons will be displayed in the Total Heat box.

Declaring Weapons Fire
For IRC users, to have BattleCalculator3055 declare fire, click on the Declare checkbox next to each weapon you wish to fire then select [Declare]. This will cause weapons declarations for each selected weapon to be displayed in the Declarations box. Selecting [Copy] will copy the contents of the text box to the Windows clipboard where it is available to paste directly into the IRC chat window during your fire declaration phase.

Resetting To-Hit Results
All modifiers, to-hit calculations, and declarations can be reset by pressing the [Clear] button.

Known Issues:

  • Some users experience out of memory errors when managing more than three mechs simultaneously.
  • Heavy Lasers, Micro Lasers and Heavy Machine Guns are not supported.

Future Enhancements:

  • Include Load/Save functionality to maintain existing mech weapon configs.
  • Additional weapons support.
  • Add support for special level 3 terrain types.
  • Add support to declare torso twists in IRC.

Some concepts and terms used in this application may be associated with the BattleTech board game, published by FASA Corporation. BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright FASA Corporation. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this application should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

Constructive comments, enhancement requests, and bug reports can be submitted on-line at or via e-mail to <>

The author can be found on #battleforceIRC, /nick peteMoss    


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revised 25Jan99