Arlee Wynters was born in 1248 to a wandering band of
Gypsies. Their culture had retained the legends of the
Guardians and were able to tell at birth if a child was a
potential Guardian. This was so with Arlee. They began her
training at the tender age of seven, so if the need arose
for her to be called, she would be ready. They trained her in all
forms of mystical arts and honed her inborn telepathic and
telekinetic abilities to their fullest extent. Town to town,
They traveled stopping along the way to find the greatest
warriors to pit against Arlee. Soon she surpassed all of the
greatest teachers of eastern and western Europe. She
trained constantly with an unshakable zeal, never once
striving for a personal life. She took to hunting Vampires
and ghouls for sport, even before her Guardianship, she
was a formidable warrior. She kept herself prepared for the day when
she would assume the mantle of the phoenix. In the year of 1267, her
fondest wish was granted the Phoenix of water, Marisa Curals,
had perished in battle. She accepted the mantle when the
others came for her. From the moment she received her
powers, she trained herself night and day. She then scoured the
Earth to learn more of the ways of a warrior and settled in
Japan to learn as many forms of the martial arts as she could.
She trained throughout Asia with many masters for over
130 years. Arlee had honed her fighting ability and powers
far beyond any Phoenix that had come before her, and with
this knowledge she wrestled control of the group from the
then Firehawk of Earth Sean Vitrog. She was determined to
be the best, and so far has been a Guardian longer than any before her.
Arlee is endowed with the power of water; she is the fastest
and most skilled fighter of the Guardians. Her powers
enable her to control all forms of water, from raindrops to
oceans. She can create monsoons or blast her opponents with
torrents of water with great force and pressure. If she is
near an ocean she can cause the waters to still, tides to
change, or create unimaginable tidal waves. Her body
is specially adapted to water. She can remain underwater
indefinitely absorbing oxygen from the oceans itself, she
can survive the pressure of the absolute deepest parts of
the ocean and her eyes can see in the total darkness of the
deepest water. She carries the trident created by Naelyan from the heart of the sea.
uses a perfect blend of her powers, weapons, and hand-to-hand
combat to surmount any opponent. She has the strength to
lift a half ton and like the others she can morph into a
hawk which other than its blue and white plumage, appears
normal. She can also morph into her fireform
which is basically
a gigantic hawk made up completely of bluish energy. In
this form she is invulnerable to any and all physical attacks
and her powers are raised to near godlike levels. This form
takes a enormous toll on Arlee's psyche and she can only
maintain this form for about 90 minutes at the most. She has been
defeated in battle only once, by her once
fellow Phoenix Samantha
Arlee has remained a Guardian longer than anyone in
history. She tends to be arrogant and self-centered, coming
off snobbish to those around her She tends to be
Anti-social and would rather train herself than attend a
gathering with the others or normal humans. She tends
to be too busy with her constant and unrelenting training to
spend any quality time with anyone. At times, she appears
to be quite lonely and sad, but she hides this from anyone
and herself most of the time. She tends to dislike Nathan;
partly because Samantha had defeated her and gained control
of the guardians and partly because she thinks his
compassion is a weakness. With her cold and unfeeling attitude becoming
worse, she stands a chance of losing leadership of the Guardians again, defeated by her own arrogance.
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