As taken from the Superboy TV Series and its tie-in "Superboy: The Comic Book"
It all began many years ago on an immense planet, Krypton, that orbits a red sun. The scientist Jor-el and his wife, Lara, conceived a child. Months later, the child was born and named Kal-el (which translates to star child) by his proud parents. The child lived a happy, normal life on Krypton until he was 2 years old. At that time, his father Jor-el discovered that Krypton was in great danger. He predicted that due to internal eruptions, Krypton would soon explode. He voiced his concerns to the council and they ignored his warnings saying that krypton was in no danger whatsoever. Jor-el had only one thing to do. He began work on a space craft that he hoped could carry Kal-el to earth. No sooner than he finished the ship, the time of Krypton's death came. The ground began to shake and Jor-el knew he had to act quickly. He quickly placed Kal-el in the ship and launched it into space. As the ship sped off, krypton shuddered once more and exploded into billions of fragments.
Superboy's true parents: Jor-el and Lara
On Earth, Jonathan and Martha Kent were driving on a small dirt road in their home of Smallville, Kansas, when the rocket containing Kal-el crashed in a field behind them. They quickly turned around and stopped to see the ship on the ground burned and twisted into a large ball of metal. They then found Kal-el inside, unharmed and wrapped in blue, yellow, and red blankets which bore the familiar S shield, the crest of the El family. Martha was overjoyed since she had always wanted a child, but had never been able to give birth. The Kent's took the young Kal-el home and named him Clark after Martha's maiden name.
Kents find baby Kal-el
As Clark grew, he began to do things no other boy, or man, could do. He had developed great powers. Among them were: super-strength, super-breath, super-speed, flight, x-ray vision, heat vision and a few others. As his powers developed, Clark's parents taught him about right and wrong and told him he should use his powers to help mankind. Clark learned from them and decided he would devote his life to helping his fellow man. Clark became a guardian angel for the town of Smallville. He saved many lives in Smallville without ever revealing himself to be Clark Kent.
Clark and Lana graduate from Smallville High School. They both enroll in the same college, Shuster University, located in Florida. As they leave their home, Clark says goodbye to his parents and is given a very important package by his mother.
When Clark and Lana reach Shuster, they quickly adapt to college life. Clark settles in with his roommate T.J. White, who is the son of Perry White, editor-in-chief for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. T.J. quickly becomes a friend to both Clark and Lana. On his first day at Shuster, Clark's powers are needed again. A meteor arrives at Shuster and begins to drain power from the surrounding area. Clark opens the package given to him by his mother and finds a suit made from the blankets he was found in. He then ventures out as Superboy for the first time and frees an alien that was trapped inside the meteor. the alien gives him his first clues that he is not from Earth.
Just weeks later, Superboy goes into action again. A group of terrorists steals a powerful laser weapon created by the government. They plan to use it on the space shuttle for sabotage. While they steal the weapon, Lana interferes and is kidnapped by the crazed leader of the group. Superboy intervenes and goes after Lana and the laser. When Lana is taken up in a helicopter, Superboy flies after her. The terrorist leader sees Superboy and pushes Lana out of the helicopter toward certain doom. Superboy comes to her rescue for the first time. "I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but thank you." are Lana's first words to Clark in his Superboy persona. When Superboy flies off leaving Lana with T.J., Lana notices something. "Does he remind you of somebody?" she asks T.J. Superboy catches the terrorists and returns the laser to the government.
At Shuster, Clark, who is majoring in journalism, goes to work for his college newspaper the Shuster Herald. Clark and T.J. become a team. Clark is the reporter and T.J. is his photographer. Numerous times, reporting for the Herald has led Clark into some great adventures. Working on the Herald also makes Clark realize that journalism is the career he wants to pursue after college.
Clark goes through many strange and exciting adventures at Shuster. He encounters Kryptonite, radioactive fragments of Krypton, for the first time and is almost killed by it. He also encounters Lex Luthor, a big part of his life quite a few times the last of which he causes Luthor's hair to fall out increasing Luthor's hatred toward him. Luthor later has plastic surgery to age himself 15 years and he returns with his new face to plague Superboy again.
During his second year at Shuster, Clark's roommate T.J. left and went to the Daily Planet, his father's paper, to become a photographer. Andy McCallister became Clark's new roommate. He always had schemes in his head, and tried his best to make a fortune on Superboy merchandise he created. His schemes always failed, however. Andy was always hitting on Lana trying to get a date with her. However, Andy failed at this endeavor also.
Lana, Andy, and Clark at Shuster University
Clark and Lana went through some big changes when they were sent to intern at a place called the Bureau for Extra-Normal matters, an organization that investigates strange occurences and the paranormal. They met and became friends with Matt Ritter, a co-worker at the Bureau. They also met C. Dennis Jackson, their boss, who is hard on them all time, but only because he wants them to succeed.
Lana, Mr. Jackson, and Matt Ritter at the Bureau.
During his time at the Bureau, Clark experiences new menaces all the time. Among others, these are some of the things Superboy encounters. The Kryptonite Kid makes his first appearance. Luthor becomes an even bigger thorn in Superboy's side, as he makes Superboy re-live his own tortured childhood while he tries to destroy all life on earth. (As seen in "Know Thine Enemy") Metallo, a man with a robotic body powered by kryptonite, resurfaces and teams up with Luthor and another of Superboy's old foes. The Threesome almost succeeds in killing Superboy. (As seen in"Threesome") Many other strange and exciting things happen during these two years. Far too many to tell about here.
As we all know, the story continues. Clark goes on to become a reporter at the Daily Planet and he soon changes his name to Superman. He also learns that he is from another world that died years ago, and he learns about his true Kryptonian family. He later meets Lois Lane and falls in love with her as she falls in love with Superman. He also meets Jimmy Olsen and Perry White. Clark's life as Superman is, however, an entirely different story. One that, thankfully, hasn't ended yet. And hopefully, that story will go on for years to come.
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