The Ilya Salkind Company
The official website of Superboy producer Ilya Salkind’s production company.
The Superboy Homepage
A great site devoted to the Superboy series. Home of Superboy: Season Five, a brand new season of Superboy fan fiction episodes. Check it out!
The Boy of Steel (as seen on TV)
Another great site devoted to the TV Series. This one has
some great information on the demise of the series and other
aspects of the show, as well as a section devoted to the
Sovereign from "Roads Not Taken"!
The Gerard Christopher Website
The official site of the series' 2nd Superboy
Superman Cinema
incredible site that
covers every aspect of the Superman movie series
The Superman Homepage
Superman site on the web. Covers Superman comics, movies, and TV series,
as well as everything else Superman related
Superman Through the Ages
Histories for Superman, his costume, and other aspects of the comics and the screen. Features a Superman Encylopedia, and it even has some
online Superman comics.
Superman Group1 is a group of
Superman fans that started as a
Yahoo group, and has expanded into several other areas on the net.
Visit this link to check out the group's projects and to join!
The BEST site on the net for "Smallville"
information, news, spoilers,
and just about anything "Smallville"
Returns Official Site
The official
site for the upcoming Superman film "Superman Returns"!
The Adventures of Superman
This site contains lots of info on the George Reeves "Adventures of Superman" series.
Created by David Schutz.
DC Comics Official Website
Info on the characters and upcoming comics. Also features message
boards where fans can discuss all of DC's comics.
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