" Helpfull Tips and Tricks for getting started in the figure kit hobby " - ROB

First a word on safety
- Most chemicals , paints , glues , and especially spray paints / laquers give off toxic fumes and / or are hazerdous to get on your bare skin. ALWAYS follow the manufacturers instruction when using these products , and ALWAYS use them in a well ventilated space.
- Hobby knives and blades are EXTREMLY sharp. Be very carefull or you could loose a finger or worse. Never use a dull blade. ( Remember your boyscout training ! ).
- THINK , and TAKE your TIME !!!
So you want to build Horror Figure's Huh...
- You will need the following tools : A hobby knife and extra blades , Files and / or sandpaper , a tube of filler putty ( squadren green or epoxy putty ) , superglue , A can of spray primer ( floquil , plastikote , etc.. ) , Paint and Paintbrushes , and a can of flat clear laquer.
- The following tools are optional but if you plan on doing more then a couple kits are Highly Recommended : an Airbrush and air supply ( canned air or a compressor ) , a Dremel tool and bits , and David Fishers " Model Mania " video instructional series volumes 1 , 2 , and 3. These are awesome tapes showing you how to build , paint , convert , modify , etc. model figure kits.( I am not associated with d. fisher or model mania , but I still cant recommend these tapes enough ).
- The most important advice I can give any fledgling modeler is " Always buy the best paint and paintbrushes you can afford " , The quality of your finishing supplies will greatly effect the finished model. Good stuff = Fun , and easy painting while crap = CRAPPY , FRUSTRATING , and UNFUN Modeling. A good start is liquatex artists acrylic tubed paint , and winsor and newton series 7 red sable brushes ( they are expensive but are the BEST money can buy ).
Picking your first kit
- Start small. Modeling , like anything else in life has a learning curve. Buy an inexpensive kit to start , and as your skills , and confidence increase you can take on more ambitous projects.
- FOLLOW the kit instructions , and dont rush.
- When your kit is all assembled , all seams are puttied over and sanded smooth , all mold seams , and flash are removed and your happy with life in general wash your kit in warm soapy water using an old toothbrush to scrub all the gunk out of the cracks and crevices ( really fun on female kits ), rinse and let dry.
Painting your kit
- When your kit is dry spray on an even coat of primer and let dry for 24 hours. Primer is a MUST , it gives your color coats something to hold on to so they dont rub off with average handling.
- all im going to say about painting is follow the paint companies instructions , and have FUN! This is the part of the kit where only your imagination will limit how well your figure turns out. Take your time , allow each coat to dry before the next, throw some LOUD music in , and " TEAR IT UP GUS! ".
- After your paintjob is completly dry and your happy with it spray on a couple of coats of flat laquer to protect the paint , then paint on gloss coat to all " wet " areas ( eyes , lips , blood , guts , etc. ).
- Sit back , open a beer and enjoy your masterpiece.
" Remember that the most important skills a modeler can have are PATIENCE , and IMAGINATION. Never give up when things go badly ( dont worry they will ) and most of all HAVE FUN , after all it is a hobby " - ROB
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