The Oddities of

Kickass models by me based on Trey , and Matt's kickass show on Comedy Central

" Night of the Living Kenny "

" Genetic Mutant Stan "

" If you got here from the BeefCake sound archive , you can see the rest of the model kits by Clicking Here "

" The Model Kits "
These model kits were purchased from vance t. rudisinskas at ADVANCE models. The figure set included one each of stan , cartman , kyle , and kenny , and are about 5 inches tall and made of resin. Being the sick little bastard I am I couldnt just make them as is . I broke out the saw and putty and mangled them until they were more to my liking , namely the oddball screwed up characters from south park ( as if they werent dicked up enough already ). My first try was stans genetic mutant clone , and theres a ton more to come !!!
" Future oddities "
- " OH MY GOD , Dale Earnhardt Killed Kenny !!!
- " Cartman with Anal Probe "
If you have any more , or " Sicker Ideas " for our favorite quartet of little kids drop me an email and let me know - ROB

South Park sounds courtesy of WWW . Beef - Cake . Com/archive
© 1997
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