<bgsound src="devil.mid" loop=infinate>

HI, and welcome to my page. My name is Rob Irwin ( aka. " the DarkHobbyMaster " ) , and I created this page as a way for you to see my figure models without letting you in my house. I am a huge fan of the Horror genre , and particulerly the films: " THE SHINING ", The " LIVING DEAD " Trilogy by George a. Romero ( Night of the Living Dead , Dawn of the Dead , and Day of the Dead ), john carpenters " The THING " ,and " HALLOWEEN " and others...


My 1st figure kit was " SCREAMINS " Michael Myers from the film Halloween and from then on I have never done anything but Horror figures. I love the films and was amazed to find out that if you look hard enough you can find almost any monster from any horror film in kit form ( pretty kool huh ! ). Most kits are easy to build , and you can really use your imagination in painting them , so give it a try. Its pretty kool to have the things of Nightmares staring at you from a dark corner of your den...

Each kit I have finished has its own page , complete with sights and sounds from the movies the models are from , as well as some tips on how I built and painted them. The links to them are below , So have a look around and if you like what you see and hear, think it sucks, or would like to suggest a kit you'd like to see drop me an email and let me know Have Fun - The DarkHobbyMaster

Its always great to know what my visitors think so please take a moment to :


Well enough of that junk , Lets SEE The Models!

Click on a link below to go BEYOND, but be warned...The links contain very graphic photos and / or language and are not intended for minors, the faint of heart, or wimpy little girlymen...

Dawn of the Dead

The Shining South Park Escape from New York

" Dont forget to visit the pages below "

June 29 - Hello friends, FINALLY the dang snake plissken scene is done, took me awhile but i got a bit ambitious, pics will be up as soon as my friend lends me his dig camera. When thats done i think im packing my crap and going to disneyland for awhile =).- ROB IRWIN

" Coming Soon "

This page last updated on: JUNE 29th , 2000

This page will be updated often as I complete kits, and learn more about webpage construction, so please check back often. Thank you for stopping by.Rob

All graphics on this site were created by me , and adobe photoshop 5 , or are being used by permission from other webmasters. Please DO NOT take any images from this website without my permission. Failure to comply will bring about my displeasure and will force me to unleash all manner of evils down upon you. Thanks- ROB

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© 1997 DarkHobbyMaster